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Student: Sir, what is the best way to do GURU BHAKTI?
Teacher: Trying hard to do what He likes most, trying to follow him to the fullest extent.
Student: Our Guru Brahmachaitanya Shri. Gondavalekar Maharaj asks us to practice NAMASMARAN. Is it enough?
Teacher: Of course it is enough! But it is not possible for many of us to practice NAMASMARAN 24 hours of the day; and also; to be totally involved in it! Hence they offer their services in the form of; doing pooja in early morning, cleaning of the Samadhi temple, cooking, serving food, cleaning vessels, looking after the cows or as in my case; articulating and sharing my understanding of NAMASMARAN with others! This helps to remain in the buoyant and pleasant spirit of Guru Bhakti.
Student: We also share quotes and other matters related to NAMASMARAN on internet; but still I am not satisfied!
Teacher: It is natural! It is just a good beginning of social interaction and not a genuine service to Guru. There is no physical, mental, intellectual or financial involvement. It does not involve any sincerity, responsibility, answerability, accountability, meticulousness, promptness, punctuality, discipline, seriousness, commitment, dedication, social stake or risk of any kind! How can anybody get satisfaction from such a trivial activity?
Student: But is it not a good activity?
Teacher: Social Networking is a good activity; but can be a genuine service or devotion to Guru; provided it is followed by coming together to enhance the understanding, practice and promotion of NAMASMARAN, in every nook and corner, where it is unknown! It can then nurture contentment of soul in contrast to ‘self contentment’ and dissolve the ego in servitude; in contrast to ‘bloating it’!
Student: But practicing NAMASMARAN is one thing and getting obsessed to promote it is another. Is it not a kind of disbelief in the fact that Guru does everything?
Teacher: I would have happily agreed with what you say, provided we had not taken any efforts; for the security, survival, safety, comfort, status, career, entertainment and other pursuits of us, our children and the near dear ones to us; and left it to Guru! But using this argument to avoid promotion of NAMASMARAN; while being engrossed in petty pursuits; is a self deception!
Student: Do you get satisfaction?
Teacher: Instead of getting personal; I would reiterate that as our involvement goes on increasing and as the mega process of NAMASMARAN begins to reach, where it is unknown; we begin to get the satisfaction of service or devotion to Guru i.e. Guru bhakti.
In fact; whatever may be the nature of services; according to variable constitutions and capabilities; they give satisfaction, when our involvement is substantial and not hollow and superficial. In short, we would find that our satisfaction is directly and exactly proportional to our involvement in our service, which directly or indirectly helps globalization of NAMASMARAN!
Student: But if the globalization; is anyway an incoming thing, then why should we work for it?
Teacher: This is a role of an announcer, involved in announcing the great arrival! This is our service! Our Guru has distinctly predicted the onset of globalization of NAMASMARAN. Just as the incoming spring blossoms some plants first, the incoming globalization inspires, empowers and compels some people to practice NAMASMARAN and express its infinite beauty; first!
Secondly; while practicing NAMASMARAN it becomes inevitable and unavoidable to express about it; in one way or another such as music, dance, theater, lectures, public speeches, sermons and so on!
Student: Do you think the others would or should join you?
Teacher: I used to think so; earlier, but no more. Just as I do what I am doing now, they would also do with His grace; what is appropriate for them at an appropriate time!

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