
Posted by Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar on Tuesday, 24th February 2015
HEALTH AND NAMASMARAN: DR SHRINIWAS KASHALIKAROur existence is an amalgam of immortal spirit, which we call Brahma, Ishwar, God, Guru, true self, NAMA and so on; and mortal element, which includes our body with all its physical and chemical attributes.
The immortal spirit or true self is said to be continuous with the “self of the universe! It is said to be eternal, vital and blissful. It is said to be complete and the ultimate. The mortal part is the body.
Our consciousness links us with our immortal core; as well as the mortal periphery and keeps fluctuating between them. When it is predominantly associated with our mortal part, we live in disease and slavery and when associated predominantly with our immortal part, we are in health and freedom.
Being attached to our mortal part is retrogressive and manifests in sectarian and petty perspective, policies, planning, programs and their implantation and being attached to our immortal self is progressive (holistic evolution over and above organic evolution) and manifests in holistic perspective, policies, planning, programs and their implementation; in different fields of personal and social life.
Today’s health system does not seem to recognize this! It considers merely the crude and bodily signs and symptoms to classify health and disease! These criteria are peripheral and superficial and hence deceptive and misleading!
The innate and true sign of sickness is forgetfulness and dissociation from our true self! Hence the infallible way to achieve health and freedom; is getting increasingly merged with true self or the immortal core (NAMA) through the practice of NAMASMARAN (JAAP, JAP, JIKRA, SUMIRAN, and SIMARAN i.e. remembering God by any of His name).