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Paying attention to carbohydrates is important for people with type 2 diabetes
Researcher - Dr. Dinesh Kacha
Research Article - Diabetes Reversal Through Ayurvedic Lifestyle

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Paying attention to carbohydrates is important for people with type 2 diabetes. “Carbs are what cause your blood sugars to potentially fluctuate. And keep in mind that carbs aren’t only found in the usual culprits, like bread, potatoes, and pasta. They are also in fruits, vegetables, sweets, and dairy, so you have to take all of those into consideration as well. Higher intakes can result in hyperglycemia and lower intakes in hypoglycemia

Avoid Eating Large Meals
One way to keep carbs under control is by eating in moderation. Don’t eat small meals to save up for a big dinner. Feeding your body throughout the day helps regulate your blood sugar levels and prevents highs and lows.

Fill Up on Fiber​​​​​​​  
Fiber plays a preventative role, too
Fibre is another nutrient you’ll want to keep an eye on for blood sugar management, but in this case, the more the better! It can help stabilize your blood sugars. It also plays a role in weight management and can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. You’ll find fiber in plant foods such as raspberries, peas, and whole grains. Beans are another good source of fiber. People with type 2 diabetes who ate at least a cup of legumes (beans, chickpeas, and lentils) daily for three months had lower blood glucose levels as measured by the A1c test.

Get More Quality Shut-Eye
Poor or limited sleep affects body chemistry, and getting more slumber helps with blood sugar control, Chronic lack of sleep may contribute to the risk of type 2 diabetes.Lack of sleep is also linked with other health conditions, including obesity, heart disease, and stroke​​​​​​​.

Science shows that a low GI diet helps manage weight and reduces the risk of developing significant health problems including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. The glycemic index or GI ranks carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose levels. The lower the GI, the slower the rise in blood glucose levels will be when the food is consumed. The effect may differ from person to person.  Research has shown that by eating a diet with a lower GI, people with diabetes can reduce their average blood glucose levels. This is important in reducing the risk of developing diabetes-related complications.

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