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Allergic rhinitis is one of the most commonly diagnosed health disorders among children. AR affects up to 20 percent of children. Boys are twice as likely to get allergic rhinitis as girls. The median age of onset of the condition is 10 years old, meaning that equal numbers of children develop the condition before and after age 10. Half of children develop the condition before age 10, and half after that time. Allergic rhinitis is the most common chronic disease in children. About one in five children has symptoms by the age of 2 or 3 years .A study in found that 42% of children were diagnosed with allergic rhinitis by the age of six. Commonly called hay fever. Allergy symptoms can have a profound effect on a child’s health, behavior and ability to learn. Left untreated, allergic rhinitis also can lead to a host of other serious conditions, including asthma, recurrent middle-ear infections, sinusitis, sleep disorders and chronic cough.
The present study is undertaken to study the efficacy of Homoeopathic remedies in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children. 100 cases were studied. Out of which 55% recovered ; 35 % improved & 10 % did not improve.

Allergic Rhinitis presents with the following symptoms:
1. Nasal allergies typically feature a clear nasal discharge with sneezing.
2. There may be itchy, watery eyes & / a dry cough.
3. Parents often notice a “rabbit nose” – A child crinkling her nose to relieve the itchy sensation inside.
4. “Allergic shiners” – dark circles under the eyes, have long been associated with allergies, but are less predictive than the other symptoms.
5. “ Allergic Salute” – A common habit of children which consists of rubbing their nose upwards. This is usually because the nose is itchy & this practice can lead to a small crease in the skin of the lower part of the nose.
6. Mouth breathing often leads to dryness & cracking of the lips & children are often very thirsty & may wake at night for a drink of water.

Types Of Allergic Rhinitis:
The two categories of allergic rhinitis include:
1. Seasonal - occurs particularly during pollen seasons. Seasonal allergic rhinitis does not usually develop until after four years of age.
2. Perennial – occurs throughout the year. This type of allergic rhinitis is commonly seen in younger children.
• Allergic Rhinitis in children is a commonly prevalent condition all over the world.
• Every year millions of people use over the counter (OTC) products to relieve nasal stuffiness & conditions like sneezing, running nose, sore throat & cough. The common causes of these symptoms include allergic rhinitis (Hay fever).
• Allergic rhinitis, which occurs during a specific season, is called “Seasonal allergic rhinitis”. When it occurs throughout the year, it is called “Perennial Allergic Rhinitis”.
• Allergic rhinitis in children is a common clinical condition we encounter in our OPD & the fact is that, Homoeopathy can deal with this state effectively.
• In such a common clinical condition, the conventional system of medicine has a limited scope & treat this clinical condition with antihistamines, decongestants, topical & systemic steroids, which in addition to sedation, can produce dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, tremors, dry mouth & poor concentration. Occasionally blood dyscracias have been reported & sensitization can occur with urticaria & eczema.
• Allergic rhinitis in children if left untreated may lead to chronic sinusitis, otitis media, allergic bronchitis etc.
• Homoeopathic medicines have been found to be having good scope in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children. Hence there is a need for a systematic & scientific study.

Aims and Objectives: The present study was undertaken to fulfill the following objectives:
• To study the pattern of presentation of allergic rhinitis in children.
• To study the miasmatic background and its implication on allergic rhinitis in children.
• To study the Homoeopathic management of allergic rhinitis in children.
• To study the efficacy of Homoeopathic remedies in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children.

Material and Methods:
The subject for this study were taken from A.M. Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, OPD/IPD and village health camps.


Following is the inclusion criteria fixed for the study:
Subjects from 0-12 years and of both the sexes irrespective of socioeconomic status.
Following is the exclusion criteria fixed for the study:
• Subjects with active treatment for any other chronic disease.
• Subjects with worm infestations having high eosinophil count.
Patients were selected on the basis of inclusion & exclusion criterias. A detailed case history was taken with clinical presentation.
Patients were reviewed on every seventh day for the first two months and later every 15 days for the remaining period of study.
No sampling procedure was adapted.
All the cases of allergic rhinitis were taken for the study, between the periods of December 2005 to 30th June 2008. (No new cases were taken up for the study after June 2008). Total Number of cases = 100.

(A) Subjective: General condition; Appetite; Thirst; Bowels; Sleep; Itching.
(B) Objective: Sneezing; Nasal discharge; Nasal obstruction.

Conclusion: The following valid conclusion can be drawn from the study.
1. The maximum incidence of the patients suffering from allergic rhinitis is in the age group of 2-10 years.
2. Males were found to be more prone to allergic rhinitis compared to females in this study.
3. The constitutional remedies which gave maximum benefit to the patients were mainly Ars Album, Nux Vom, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Nat Mur, Kali mur, Silicea, Calc carb, Natrum sulph & Kali bich.
4. The constitutional remedies gave maximum relief to the patients. The patient improved faster after the administration of constitutional remedies.
5. The miasmatic and constitutional approach of treatment was only successful when they were integrated. This study gave me a better idea in my attempt to treat cases of Allergic rhinitis.
6. Homoeopathic Management of Allergic rhinitis is able to annihilate the disease and helps to reduce the intensity and frequency of the episode of Allergic rhinitis.
7. There is a better scope in Homoeopathic for the treatment of Allergic rhinitis, since the treatment is based on holistic and individualistic approach.
8. Homoeopathic remedies not only annihilate the disease but also prevents the complications associated with it. However further studies need to be carried out to understand the finer menaces of the disease.
9. This was a modest effort on my part to find the role of Homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of different types of Allergic rhinitis and the response in this study is quite satisfactory. Dr. Nahida M.Mulla.M.D.
Vice Principal.
Professor of Repertory & PG Guide.
HOD Paediatric OPD.
A.M.Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,Nehru Nagar, Belgaum – 590010.
Mobile – 9448814660.

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