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Category : All ; Cycle : February 2011
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There are broadly four stages of our development; which takes us to perfection, self realization, objective existence, eternal truth, sacchidananda, ishwar, paramatma or parmaeshwar. Traditionally these stages are identified as baddha, mumukshu, sadhak and Siddha. Baddha means completely oblivious to one’s true self and totally lost in one’s subjective or petty self. One can say, totally in..

Category (Psychiatry)  |   Views (2941)  |  User Rating
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I was delighted to go through the “Endoscopic Color Atlas of Ear Diseases” authored by Dr. Mubarak Muhamed Khan and Dr. Sapna Ramkrishna Parab. The book is very well conceived and presented with clear illustrations and descriptions. A range of topics have been covered and the authors have taken great pains to make the book user friendly. The book will be a useful addition to every medical..

Category (Otolaryngology)  |   Views (1646)  |  User Rating
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CURRENT CONCEPTS IN DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF GLAUCOMA PROF. M. R.JAIN, M.S., F.I.C.S.(USA), FAMS, FACLP( London) MEDICAL DIRECTOR M.R.J.INSTITUTE & JAIN EYE HOSPITAL JAIPUR E MAIL : There has been a revolutionary change in understanding, diagnosis and management of glaucoma. Earlier the glaucoma was defined as a condition of raised intraocular pressure, not..

Category (Ophthalmology)  |   Views (1548)  |  User Rating
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DRY EYE SYNDROME: EMERGING CHALLENGE IN OPHTHALMOLOGY Prof. DR. M. R. JAIN M.S, F I C S( USA), FACLP ( LONDON), FAMS MEDICAL DIRECTOR M. R. J INSTITUTE AND JAIN EYE HOSPITAL, JAIPUR (India) Email: Dr. M. R. Jain, a leading glaucoma specialist, is presently Medical Director and Chief Ophthalmologist M. R. J Institute and Jain Eye Hospital Jaipur. He has edite..

Category (Ophthalmology)  |   Views (3994)  |  User Rating
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KERATOCONUS UPDATE Prof M. R. Jain M. S, FICS, FAMS Medical Director MRJ Institute & Jain Eye Hospital, Jaipur Keratoconus cases are young with & their management requires empathy, skill and great understanding the psychology & the visual needs of the patient. Keratoconus (from Greek: kerato- horn, cornea; and konos cone), is a degenerative disorder of the eye in which structural changes w..

Category (Ophthalmology)  |   Views (2085)  |  User Rating
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We are taught to stand, walk, jump, run, talk, read, write and many such skills! But we are not inspired and guided to know and be ourselves! In fact we don’t even seem to realize that such inspiration and guidance; is even needed! This statement may appear strange; but if we ponder over it; a bit seriously; then we would be convinced about it. As a result we live; reflexly, superficially a..

Category (Clinical Psychology)  |   Views (4919)  |  User Rating
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A man is almost always born with the dream of global welfare. However he rarely identifies it. If he identifies it, then he begins to pursue it, according to his capability and bent of mind. Thus some people get satisfied with ad hoc, incomplete and superficial symptomatic solutions and enter political, social, commercial, artistic, academic, industrial, agricultural, philanthropic careers. S..

Category (Psychiatry)  |   Views (1042)  |  User Rating
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The FIRST EVER complete E-Book on Sex Education written by Indian Doctor-Couple is released on World AIDS Day Title of the E-Book – THE ULTIMATE SEX EDUCATION GUIDE (288 pages) Dr. Rajan Bhonsle, M.D., (Hon. Professor & HOD, Department of Sexual Medicine, KEM Hospital & Seth G.S.Medical College) and Dr. Minnu Bhonsle, Ph.D., (Consulting Psychotherapist &a..

Category (Sexology)  |   Views (1680)  |  User Rating
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