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Teeth Whitening is a very common procedure and can be done in your nearby dental clinics

I am telling you the answers of frequently asked questions about bleaching / whitening of teeth

what is teeth whitening

it is the process that lightens the shade of your teeth

is there any harmful effect on teeth

as such there is no sideeffects but some patients develop sensitivity during the bleaching process specially when high concentration of bleach is used this can be reversed by you dentist by applying flouride or dental moose

how long do the results last

results last for 6 months to 1.1/2 years depend upon your tea/coffee/cola/ciggerette/or any tobacco related product intake but you don't have to go through full process again you can go for touch up to get the same results back

can teeth be made pearly white in all cases

the answer is may and may not be depending upon the shade of your teeth and the concentration of your teeth but generally 3 to 5 shade shift is expected

is the prosess painful

no its totally painless process you may get slight sensitivity of teeth for 2 -3 days but it goes off after that

For any further quaries please contact

Dr Puneet Mehrotra


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which is the best bleaching kit for gutka& flourosis stains

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