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USA'S Priorities Include Widespread HIV Testing, Linkage to Care, Retention in Care, Viral Suppression, PrEP Services for up to 2020

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SAN FRANCISCO, July 30, 2015—Today, the White House released an update to its 2010 comprehensive action plan for the U.S. response to HIV/AIDS which looks ahead to 2020 as a guide for collective action of agencies, community-based organizations, the scientific and medical communities and coalitions of people living with HIV in the United States. National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020 includes changes to its steps and recommended actions, new and revised quantitative indicators, and newly integrated action plans.
“Over the last five years, the field of HIV has experienced breakthrough advances in testing, prevention, and access to treatment. Since the first National HIV/AIDS Strategy was released, we’ve learned that early treatment gives people better health outcomes, that treatment equals prevention, and that PrEP works. We’ve also seen the implementation of comprehensive health care reform through the Affordable Care Art,” said Neil Giuliano, San Francisco AIDS Foundation CEO. “HIV remains a major health issue in our country and the Update—reflecting hard work and national leadership—leverages new evidence and acknowledges the vast work still to be done.”
The Update offers a comprehensive and clear plan to address continued disparities among gay and bisexual men of all races and ethnicities, especially black gay and bi men, heterosexual black women and men, Latinos and Latinas, people who inject drugs, people age 13 to 24, and transgender women. It focuses on four critical areas:
1. Widespread testing and linkage to care, enabling people living with HIV to access treatment early.
2. Broad support for people living with HIV to remain engaged in comprehensive care, including support for treatment adherence.
3. Universal viral suppression among people living with HIV.
4. Full access to comprehensive PrEP services for those whom it is appropriate and desired, with support for medication adherence for those using PrEP.
Input for the updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) was gathered through a series of listening sessions held across the country as well as an online portal soliciting ideas. White House Office of National AIDS Policy Director Douglas Brooks visited San Francisco in June 2014.
“The process used to update the NHAS was a model of community engagement, focusing on populations, like gay and bisexual men, most disproportionately impacted by HIV. Bringing the best biomedical and behavioral science to the table, community worked with a responsive federal government to craft innovative responses to persistent disparities in health outcomes.” said Ernest Hopkins, director of legislative affairs at San Francisco AIDS Foundation. “The NHAS update reflects that community partnership and recommendations to address the HIV epidemic we face at the local level.”
Since the release of the 2010 strategy—the first ever comprehensive plan for the United States—stakeholders from every sector have used the strategy as a roadmap to reduce new HIV infections, get people living with HIV into care, and decrease HIV-related health disparities.
Following the release of the Update, the federal agencies and offices responsible for implementing the strategy will begin developing a Federal Action Plan to be released on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2015.

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