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It is true that doctors  are too much questioned for their noble service to the society and always kept in dock inspite of hard labor and study for a long time against all odds to proof their efficacy  as Exit Test which is non existing for lawyers,engineers,bureaucreats and politicians who can be primary educated but can be HRD minister,president or PM of our country and government is all on the way to regulate Doctors through un skilled and un professional bureaucrats by transplant Bill,cosumer courts,Surogacy and ART bill and National Medical Forum scrapping MCI and  hard punishment of arrest for 7 to 10 yrs of imprisonment not practised in any civilised society in world where Doctor a healer is treated and questioned like this. For every action of Doctor during treatment bringing no good result or even good result but with extra payment then doctors are called robbers/dacoits/cheaters and what not in media and  incidences of violence at Doctor clinic or Hospital for miss management or excessive goondism and hoolganism are published in media or shown on tv with head lines if some one files a consumer case or if some consumer court decision comes against the doctors they always get head lines or any mishappening as Kidney racket Scam or surrogacy mother mis management or purchase of Blood or high charging of labs or radiological centres or bills of pvt hospitals are always questioned and criticised  by activist,media and politicians. BUT it is also true that in many cases we Doctors are doing many wrong too.Most big or small hospitals widely publish or advertise themselves pr their doctors in radio tv news papers to get patients and keep a team of touts and agents who paid referring doctors a heavy cut for any blood or radiological investigation or for treatment of patients,that is why unnecessarily investigations are written and patients referred to higher centres even for simple problems .medical companies manufacturing medicines,implant,vaccines or medical instruments and kits etc daily finance doctor's conferences,bear hotel stay and transport cost for Doctor attending such conferences in India or abroad, provide them costly gifts and sample medicines and so instead of writing generic medicines doctors prefer commercial names raising unnecessary medical bill of patients. With inception of big insurance companies and erection of five star tertiary care hospitals in metro and cities and town of India poor persons or even middle class cant afford treatment as if Insurance has been made compulsory without which like USA and UK we cant think of treatment .we doctors donot want to settle in rural setup citing our status,future of family and children we all want best with no compromise and want to have cars flat,and all modern luxury just after passing out mbbs or md/ms forgetting our role to care for rural farmers,villagers and downtrodden or middle class as Nation has spent lacs to make us a doctor by paying bribe or catching politicians or bureaucrats we all want to practice in town.cities or metro as pvt practitioner or transfer if in government or pvt comapnies jobs ,we want to have md/ms or dm/mch degree at a strech paying nothing back to society where we enjoyed tax payer's money during our study.In recent Kidney racket or Liver transplant or blood donations what ever our associations say we know that every transplant surgeon have to know the realtionship between donor and recepient and mismatch will reject graft so they use higher dose of immunosupressants  for distant matched donors but as single transplant bing 10-60 lacs so hospitals and docotrs are mum putting every onus on touts and mangers ,In name of medical tourism,by strong advertisement on websites,social media and tv radio news papers in abroad through agents patients for ART,Surrogacy ,Knee hip replacements,kidney ,liver transplants,heart and brain surgeries or treatment of cancer patients or congenital anomalies where a bill of 20-60 lacs can be raised our top hospital and their doctors forget every ethics and even donot care or pay the donor or helping persons and they or their agents mint money . Our doctors in government set up donot like to work more but insist on transferring patients to pvt setup for diagnosis or treatments and in medical colleges teaching and research is often neglected and in pvt medical colleges no adequate basic infrastructures like ot,icu,labs,radiological centres wards are present,most patients are arranged on day of inspections,false record of patients made and teachers arranged on day of inspection only so medical teaching is compromised badly and mbbs seat is sold to a weak  students for 1 -2 crores and pfg seats for 2-4 crores but as Medical field appears a place of money and minting money so  middle class  push their sibling for mbbs study paying so much black money and every big corporate or businnessmen or industalist want to open a super speciality hospital to mint money by hook or crook. So we,the doctors introspect ourselves as how far down we have been greedy to earn money that we have forgotten our duty to treat sick irrespective of concern for money by simple maintaining our ethics and practise with knowledge writing few required investigations and applying clinical sense we can treat many diseases in our small setup or rural or phc centres or at small towns until we do it or remain attached to basic ethics while practising BIG operations and actions we cant bring back  our trust in the eye of public again and we shall remain crticised and questioned by press ,politicians and public.

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