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MCI ,Medical Council of India,the prestigious honoured medical education and ethics regulating independent body of  of India has been badly criticised by parliament Committe on health for its inability to regulate medical education of India ,increasing number of Doctors in India resulting in good health care both in rural and urban set up.they have recommended to raplce it by another authority and present Government Niti Ayog has suggested to bring National Medical Board/ Commision to replace it.       As dr ketan desai its past president was arrested for taking bribes in crores by CBI for recognising pvt medical colleges having no basic infrastructures but with Fake patients and Ghost Teachers with cripples Ots,labs, instruments,ICUs no enviornment of education with only intention of earning crores by a MBBS admission in black  and 4-5 croes for pg admission and opening of hundreds of medical Colleges in india particularly in south states,Maharashtra,Gujrat where most of its owners are rich industralists,businessmen, law makers, politicians or bureaucrats or lawyers,doctors or judges,MCI reputation came to stake and Then UPA government replaced it with his few trusted selected persons but corruptions remain clearly visible and even during present Government tenure its all office bearers are in dock as no change on ground seen as people say these office bearers are nothing but stooge or direct followers of Dr Ketan Desai,he may be absent but his catorrie is running MCI even now as many his confident lituents are still top MCI office bearers so MCI is still a den of Corruptions and a house of minting black money.              Being lieing to parliament Committee mr Jai ram ramesh a MP want to move a priveledge motion against Present president DR Jayshree mehta Punjab,madhyapradesh and many other State medical council office beareres has lebelled many corruption charges against MCI as giving recognition to many pvt medical colleges with no facilities,scope of medical education,with Fake patients and Ghost teachers only and many sting operations has been shown in different channels in media too.Recent report how some MCI Assessors are chosen by computers of MCI for multiple times inspecting few PVt Medical Colleges and they openly asking bribes in crores and once paid recognise collges with no infrastructures,Ghost teachers and fake patients.An analysis of MBBS inspections last years shows that a few assessors undertook a large number of inspections, while others did none. A similar pattern was noticed in 2014. Of the 400 or so assessors involved in 371 inspections in 2013 (available at the MCI website), 16 did more than 10 inspections each. These ‘star assessors’ by and large inspected private medical colleges, with a doctor assessor from West Bengal completing 18 private college inspections and two government ones. Another assessor from Maharashtra inspected 18 private colleges and no public ones. Among the 16 people, 163 private college and just 24 government college inspections were carried out. Typically three assessors for each college existed, although in exceptions there are two or four. There were 1,149 inspections for 371 colleges, although there were 394 people involved. Gujarat and Maharashtra accounted for 104/394 assessors and for 330 of the 1,149 inspections (over 25% in each case). Assessors from these states had 227 private college inspections versus 103 government ones. Being obvious corrupt  in eye of public,parliament and media ,supreme court ,established a three member committee to overrule MCI decision but being an ego problem with MCI  this body having honest person like justice lodha and mr Vinod rai also gave orders to recognise 25 pvt medical colleges to start cousr and 31 to increase PG seat or increase MBBS seats on basis of the websites of these colleges which is completely fake and fabricated but MR Anand who exposed Vyapam Sacm of Madhya Pradesh has filed a petition against this body in Supreme court too.  Being so much criticised and expecting a death MCI present office bearers have suggested a single Digital registration of all doctors in India with Biometry and Digital online attendence of Teachers in Medical Colleges with their payment slips but where they were sleeping all years and why instead of curbing all such big open evident corruptions in recognising pvt medical colleges where a black industry of thousand crores run they enjoyed meetings in five star hotels coming to Delhi by costly air fares residing in five star hotels raising bills in lacs enjoyed their Selection in MCI beside public allegation of bribe in crores being paid to them by  deficient medical colleges for manipulating assessors,discarding honest assessors recommendations,overlooking deficiencies like bad infractructures,fake patients and Ghost teachers openly and recognising such colleges.           it is high time before Goverment throw them out most doctors in India urge them to voluntarily resign from their posts whether involved in scam as dr ketan desai or not as their honesty and transparency is questioned by public,parliament,supremecourt,press the pillars of democracy

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