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On 15th December they have operated on patient Mrs. Rashmikaben, U.K.based NRI patient for Big Fibroid laparoscopically was widely covered in many news Medias for their achievement & many compliments for their success. BIG FIBROID (20 cms Intramural Fibroid) REMOVAL REFUSED IN U.K. AND SUCCESFULLY DONE IN INDIA Fibroid is the one of the common problems in female. Previously it was removed by a "Laparotomy" operation (cutting open the stomach). Now, fibroids can be removed very easily and safely by Endoscopic operation. Day care surgery and resuming to her routine activities in two days and all the benefits attached to Endoscopic surgery better visualization and accessibility makes it safer and better to remove a fibroid through Endoscopy.

Dr.Pragnesh Shah, Dr.Himanshu Bavishi & Dr.Parulben Shah are experienced Laparoscopic Surgeons & they have experience of most of the advanced Gynecological Surgeries with world class infra structure in Ahmedabad for any difficult & complicated laparoscopic surgeries.

On 15th December they have operated on patient Mrs. Rashmikaben, U.K.based NRI patient for Big Fibroid laparoscopically was widely covered in many news Medias (on 20th December, 07, India) for their achievement & many compliments for their success.

Patient had searched on internet & communicated with many Laparoscopic surgeons in the world and also visited & and found that Dr.Pragnesh Shah Indian Laparoscopic Surgeon had answered the most satisfactory answers for her quarries for Big Fibroid. This was a unique case where a fibroid was 20cms big. Usually fibroids are detected 5-8 cms in size and easily removed. When it is 20 cms big & intramural there is hardly any space in abdomen to operate the same through Endoscopy. It requires unique skill, lot of experience and expertise, instruments and equipments, setup and team.

He believes that patient does not come to India just to save money but they trust skill, expertise and experience of the doctors. Offering video of patient�s Laparoscopic surgery i.e. live operative files is the best example of transparency in medical practice for complicated case to all his patients. Human approach, personalized care and homely environment are free added benefits to them. Last but not least, at a very low cost compare to other countries.

Internet can be ultimate source for selecting right surgeon & right place for complicated case in the world. Patient gets very fast & reliable information. Doctors are invited to see her video to learn unique surgical technique, photos and all reports of this interesting case & contact on 9824050916 &

Patient Mrs. Rashmikaben had willingly agreed to communicate with any one on Mobile No.:9727425378 for any quarry for the benefit of anyone who had big fibroid and worried about operation

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