Selling or marketing spurious medicine is a black market industry of thousand crores in our country,so many medicines are sold openly in market over the counter without prescription of doctors and Such medicines should be given by licensed registered pharmacist but in our country one can get it every where and now online at our home.Medcines are sold openly by advertisement in printed media,electronic media and social media,every second person suggest some medicine to other as if a Doctor .
Many homeopathic, ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advertised completely on fake studies and promises and almost all leading TV channels and all best news papers and magazines of India.Many medicines are sold on the belief that these meicines dont cause any side effect as Ayurvedic,Homeo medicines are DESI and never cause any abnormal reaction.A quick recovery for increasing height,Sex desire & satisfication,Color change from black to fair,reducing weight,treating Diabetes,Asthma, Arthritis cancer,epilepsy etc. Mci gag order to doctors to write generic medicines only will further vitiate the blackmarket as now Uneducated medicine sellers as most chemist shops doesnot have pharmacist will give highly profitable less reliable brand for gneric compoun to patient after doctor's presciption .Many such medicines are manufactured by many fake and unregistered companies but as our Drug regulating agencies,Police ,General and Health Administration or Judiciary is easily bribed so this industry of corruption is running fullflegdly.
But situation is just reverse in USA,UK<Germany,France,Australia etc all develope and many developing nations where Eveyry medicine is given to any patient on prescription of a Doctor and that too by a registered Pharmacist only,audit of every medicne is one as that of a currency an if any boy voilate or disobey such rule strict punishment is awarded.Recently an India who went to America and got its natural citizenship too was jailed for 05 yrs rigorously with withdrawal of citizenship as he was exporting Viagra like drugs from china and selling it in different part of America as Sex enhancing pill.He exporte this drug from china as beauty product and then changed its wrapper an all details and sold it in market under different parts of USA wher no body can sell any medicine if not cleared by FDI and medicines can be sold from a registered pharmacy only,they donot allow to import any medicine which is manufactured there only beauty products,tea etc can be imported after a valid license so he adapted this way to earn money.
This is a lesson for a country like us,our Government and law enforcing agency should have zero tolerance for selling medicines as any careless handling of this serious chemical may damage our body badly or may cause death so to sell medicines without doctor prescription and selling these by unregistered so called pharmacist ,spurious medicines and Fake drug companies are heinous crime and should be punished as in USA rigoursly to save Human Life.