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Check on Pharma Sponshorship on Doctor's CMEs,Seminars,Conferences
PROF .DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India,,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP

Indian Medical Association,one of The leading Voluntary Association of Doctors in India out of many other Association like API,ASI,FOGSI,IAGES,USI etc but neither a statutory body nor an association of all Doctors of India or a  Government binding  body has passed a resolution that DOCTORS in India should avoid taking sponsorship from Pharma Companies for organising their Continue Medical Education Programmes in different their Conferences , Seminars,Symposium organised in the different Private or Government Hospitals or Departments of Medical Colleges or organising  annual conferences of different associations of Doctors or Alumini Annual Meet of doctors of a Medical College or any other social meet organised to welcome a visiting eminent personality from India or abroad .IMA under pressure of differnt Doctors's association and their branches all over india  the ‘advisory’ to its branches from banning sponsorships to avoid taking sponsorship from the Pharma industry.

                      In these Conferences,starting from place of conference if organised in another place than inside hospital or medical College to Brunch,Lunch,Dinner,Gala banquet lavished with gala dinner with drink of indian and foreing liquors to charming thrilled music,Doctors.s movement their rail or air fare with their stay in 3 to 5 star Hotels with family members ,side scenes,and even air fare and stay of dignitory speakers of repute from india or abroad ,all are paid by these Pharma companies.For this many companies pay to their souvenirs or invitation booklet by big illuminating advertisement of their medicines or prostheses or their medical instruments for diagnosis and treatment,some companies do it by arranging putting their stalls in Conferences or at reception or exist gates.In few of these conferences spending in crores is done and many associations gain a corpus fund of crores by organising such conferences.It is alleged that  PHARMA COMPANIES earn  in thousand crores by advertising doctors about their product,even few paediatricians were thrown out of their association which raise voice against its association bearer as they were found to earn in crores by bring API VACCINATION schedule beside our national Immunisation schedule so that many unwanted immunisation done by common people  in pvt hospitals leading to a business of crores by vaccine manufacturing companies.It is anopen fact that Pharma companies do earn a benefit of 50 to 1000 % in selling their different medicines,prostheses ,medical instruments etc leading to a very costly health care for common people as tolf by priminister while lashing out price for cardiac stents and Cancer medicines.

                     Medical council of India,the Regulatory body of Doctors in India . in its summary guidelines of Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) (Amendment) Regulations, 2009 – Part-I is very clear about prohibiting Medical professionals from receiving Gifts, Travel facilities, Hospitality and Cash or monetary grants from pharmaceutical and allied healthcare industry or endorsing any drug or product of the industry publicly.But receiving sponsorships for organizing CME’s, Seminars, Symposias or conferences is a grey area as MCI is silent on this issue.Same way till yestarday,IMA was silent on these as even their conferences and souvenirs and website is sponsored by Pharma Companies.

  The General Public and Media perception is that after all pharma companies are not actually charity organizations so why would they sponsor medical events without expecting anything in return.But to say big no to Pharma companies with respect to sponsorship of medical events to counter general public perception is also not entirely correct .Medical practitioners need to update their knowledge on day to day basis for which it is essential to attend CME’s, Seminars, Symposias or conferences and industry-funded CME is more likely to happen in the absence of availability of any Govt. funded CME’s.Moreover, In the absence of provision of any structured training or opportunity to dabble with emerging technologies by the Government, stopping organization of Pharma funded CME’s may condemn us to archaical practices.The policy of allowing doctors to receive sponsorship for attending conferences also needs to be reviewed as most of the hospitals/institutions in India do not have any provisions to send doctors to National and International conferences .Therefore ,it becomes economically not viable especially for faculty members or Junior Doctors to attend the same without accepting sponsorship from Pharma companies.

                          Doctors will not be able to upgrade and up to date with new researches of different new medicines,tests and different technology and surgeries to treat the disease and benfits to patients as MEDICINE & treatment is daily changing by new ongoing researches all over world and these conferences are very important for knowledge sharing,discussing,refining and forming acceptable guidlines for the treatment,In these conferences Doctors mostly use generic name or chemical name of medicines mostly and no direct announcement for using any particular medicine or prostheses or instrument is made. therefore,there should be a balance and accept sponsorship for organizing CME’s but without compromising with its academic content.Under the circumstances the doctors may be allowed to accept sponsorships for attending conferences from pharmaceutical companies with a cap limiting their number to 2-3 in one year.

Most other conferences should be paid by doctors themselves,no association should be allowed to make corpus fund by pharma companies or issue any guidelines for any treatment /device/medicines/ Immunisation Schedule in name or suggestions of a pharma company but only as dervied by doctors all over world in their research while working in Hospital or Medical college.But thin line of fare and transaprent regularisation will be always controversial But when Engineers,Teachers,Scientist ,Political ,Religious conferences are sponsored by some companies and all print,electronic and social media run on advertisement then why only Doctors are unnecessary targeted by MCI or IMA like this is a big question.Is it because alluring the Political bosses and Government to remain in board of such Body and enjoy name ,fame and money as if Government is so much against of writing costly medicines or tests or instruments why Government allow these companies to manufacture or import such medicines and devices in India.Close them instead of targeting softly doctors only and making them a sore in eyes of Public and Media.

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