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DRRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India,,+917838059592,+919832025033,ON WHATSAPP 

Fake doctors or QUACKS are present all around us in India starting from a Village Basti,to town,cities of every state including state capital on very important places of these cities with big sing boards and wall paintings and advertisement on all leading local news papers and now even they run big show on TV in night over most important channels too.

           These are blot in our health system and playing with the Health of people due to wide spread couuption in our society and bribe to law enforcing agencies like general Administration, Police or Health department which  hardly take any action rather stimulate them to grow.Media and politicians or NGOs which scrutinise every negligence of registered Doctors and Hospitals with headlines often never expose them.Even our Government is planning to put Ayush Doctors to run modern medical Hospitals and primary health centres and want to run many educational courses of 2-3 yrs to produce Community Doctors thinking to write some medicine against few symptoms and advise some investigations is all about modern medicine which can be done by any person with little knowledge of medicines and thus Doctor People ratio is stored and deficiency of doctors in society will be tackled.So Poor or deprived will be allowed to die in their hands but these politicians and Bureaucrats or their family will get treatment from either superspecialist hospitals in india or in UK,USA.

             Recently in West Bengal,CID launches statewide hunt to nab more ‘fake’ doctors after arrest of three.CID sleuths believe there are several fake doctors working in health institutions across the state.What baffled investigators more is that so called Dr.Alam even worked for more than a year at a leading corporate hospital in Kolkata. A doctor of the hospital certified him as a “meritorious physician.” and others were working as Government Doctors possessing fake MBBS degree.The CID has now cast its net far and wide across Bengal to scour for such fake doctors. They suspect several health department officials and former medical college employees and doctors are involved in this racket that not only forged documents but also appointed doctors, in some cases, without any documents at all,they now called for scutinising degrees  of all Doctors appointed by State Government in last 10 years.

                    The West Bengal CID's special investigation team (SIT) probing the fake doctor case has claimed that an illegal medical board as ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL COUNCIL,had been operating from Barasat for three decades and had duped thousands of medical students from across India by offering fake degrees.CID officials said they had recovered around 560 fake mark sheets of at least seven Indian and other Asian universities to which the council never had any affiliation.The entity — Alternative Medical Council Calcutta — was on the list of 23 fake boards against which CID had mulled action with help from other state police forces.

                       CID has pointed that there are kingpins of the racket  who make the huge profits are the gang members and they receive the support  in running the gang from certain doctors and paramedics in the state including few top politicians and bureaucrats .

                     So it is high time that every state should alert its general Police and Health administration to catch hold of such quacks and fake doctors who practices openly and do operations,run modern medicines hospitals just below the nose of administration.Supreme Court has loudly ruled that any Ayush doctor cant practice modern medicine but in in many big or mediocre hospitals even Senior modern medicine doctors appoint them in their hospital to save money for salary or are always protector of them as they are source of patients to them as referral agents against paid commission.


                      Until we our selves being registered doctors or our associations including IMA,API,ASI,FOGSI, IAP, etc or MCI or Local health Administration totally run by Doctors will either protect these quacks as evident in West Bengal racket too or just will not raise alarm ,they will continue to prosper and will do write medicines,operates patients openly running small or big Clinic or Nursing homes without any question by Police,Politicians or Media as all are earning through hugh bribe.

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