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Prof Dr,DRAM,HIV /AIDS,HEPATITIS ,SEX DISEASES & WEAKNESS expert,New Delhi,India, +917838059592

Non Vegetarian diet is mainly consumed that it is the source of Protein which is very much needed to build muscle mass of our body and as Muscle and Skeletal bones are healthy and strong we feel more strong health and composed. It is told that Vegetable protein is not that strong too bring such change as animal protein brings.So Many nutritionist always advise Animal protein a part of diet and during convalascent period.this protein both as animal or vegetable reduce also our body weight which in case of less intake of protein and high intake of fat or carbohydrate increase much. 

            Weight loss through diet offers a range of health benefits, including reducing your risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Lowering your risk from these conditions could mean you are making a wise decision, promoting health and longevity.Protein is essentials for so many hormones and enzymes which our body produce to keep it health and restore it again when ever we are diseases. 

           Beans and legumes (such as lentils, chickpeas, soybeans), nuts, seeds, and vegetables like spinach, broccoli are plant products/plants high in protein.Chicken breast, seafood, eggs, cheese, diary and whey protein are animal products high in protein.

          While both have health benefits, studies have shed light on which one is a healthy long-term option – plant-based proteins or animal-based proteins.Researchers found that people who consumed high levels of animal proteins were at an increased risk of death from heart disease. They were also found to be overweight, more sedentary.



          Also, consuming high amount of proteins from processed and unprocessed red meat has been linked to a higher mortality rate compared to those taking in more of proteins from plant sources.   

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