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World Health Day calls for "Universal health: Everyone, Everywhere" on today,7th April "World Heath Day"


Prof.Dr.Dram,,Gastro Intestinal,Liver Hiv,Hepatitis and sex diseases expert 7838059592,943414355


The slogan “Universal Health: Everyone, Everywhere” is the theme for World Health Day on Saturday 7th April. The campaign calls on representatives of governments, academia and civil society to stimulate dialogue on policies that can help achieve health for all by 2030.Although the ‘Universal’ in UHC means “for all”, without discrimination, leaving no one behind, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as all people & communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship.UHC enables everyone to access the services that address the most important causes of disease and death and ensures that the quality of those services is good enough to improve the health of the people who receive them.

         UHC does not mean free coverage for all possible health interventions, regardless of the cost, as no country can provide all services free of charge on a sustainable basis.UHC is not only about ensuring a minimum package of health services, but also about ensuring a progressive expansion of coverage of health services and financial protection as more resources become available.UHC is not only about medical treatment for individuals, but also includes services for whole populations such as public health campaigns – for example adding fluoride to water or controlling the breeding grounds of mosquitoes that carry viruses that can cause disease.

        UHC is not just about health care and financing the health system of a country. It encompasses all components of the health system: systems and healthcare providers that deliver health services to people, health facilities and communications networks, health technologies, information systems, quality assurance mechanisms and governance and legislation.

World Health Organization (WHO) for World Health Day 2019 has defined again the goals and aims of UHC.

1.Health is a human right; it’s time for health for all.We know universal health coverage is possible, let’s make it happen and conduct programmes to make it feasible.

2..At least half of the people in the world do not receive the health services they need.About 100 million people are pushed into extreme poverty each year because of out-of-pocket spending on health.But who are these people and how can we help them? To get a better picture of who is missing out, we need data that is broken down by gender, age, income, location, education and other factors that affect access to health services.

3.Health is a human right; everyone should have the information and services they need to take care of their own health and the health of their families.Quality, accessible primary health care is the foundation for universal health coverage.

4.Unsafe and low-quality health care ruins lives and costs the world trillions of dollars every year, we must do more to improve the quality and safety of health services globally.

5.Primary health care should be the first level of contact with the health system, where individuals, families and communities receive most of their health care—from promotion and prevention to treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care—as close as possible to where they live and work.Primary health care is about caring for people and helping them improve their health or maintain their well-being, rather than just treating a single disease or condition.Primary health care covers the majority of your health needs throughout your life including services such as screening for health problems, vaccines, information on how to prevent disease, family planning, treatment for long- and short-term conditions, coordination with other levels of care, and rehabilitation.

Primary health care is a cost-effective and equitable way of delivering health services and helping countries make progress towards universal health coverage.A health system with strong primary health care delivers better health outcomes, is cost-efficient and improves quality of care.

6.Health workers have a crucial role to play educating patients on how to take care of their health, coordinating care and advocating for their patients’ needs to health facility managers and policy-makers.Primary health-care workers have a continuing and trusted relationship with their patients and know their health history; knowing the full picture helps improve their care and saves money.Primary health-care workers know the traditions, cultures and practices of their communities, making them indispensable during an outbreak or emergency.

7.To make health for all a reality, we need: individuals and communities who have access to high quality health services so that they take care of their own health and the health of their families; skilled health workers providing quality, people-centred care; and policy-makers committed to investing in primary health care.

8.What to talk of uderdevveloped and developing countries even in most advanced country like US,three in ten people do not have access to health care for financial reasons, and two out of ten do not seek medical attention due to geographical barriers they face.

                      So much is needed to be done,by simply announcing a scheme as Ayushman Bharat in India or Obama Care in US,peoples are not provided health which is not merely a treatment for disease but a mental,physicial and social well being including all as if some left they themselves suffer but spread disease to others too as rservoir so to eradicate disease treatment for few should not be the goal but takes such measures as health is achieved by remaining free of diseases taking precaustions,improving food,water,sanitation,habit and habitat conditions in family,society and world as whole for every one,every where.


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