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What exactly are Allergies?  According to Homeopathic science and after a practise in this field for almost twenty eight years I have come to the following conclusion. 

Mainly allergies are reactions of an individual to certain stimulus which can be in any form.  The basic reason according to me is because of the lowered immune system.  Once your immunity goes down you start reacting to substances which previously you were never reacting.  Basically this happens because of lack of exercise, constant medication which is not homeopathic, for some recurrent complains,  late nights, and irregular dietary habits, improper and not having nutritioius diet, lot of worries and stress and tension also leads to lower immunity thereby causing allergic reactions. 

So if you avoid the above things and lead a healthy life with good and nutritious diet slowly your allergic manifestation will start improving.

Taking Homeopathic treatment for the same will surely benefit.  I have treated many cases of allergic bronchitis, allergic skin manifestations in the form of Urticaria and have seen patients responding to the Homeopathic treatment.  Most of these cases have been completly cured without any recurrence again. 

The possiblity of recurrence being again lowered immune levels.  So You have to boost up your immune systment by regular exercise, proper and nutritious diet, good sleep, no late nights and a less stressful life.

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