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Spirit release Therapy,Hypnotherapist in Coimbatore

Earthbound spirits, negative thought forms, dark energies and, upon occasion, demonic energies can attach themselves to humans at times when they are vulnerable or suffering from trauma or negative emotions.

At the end of a life that has ended with shock, confusion or unresolved issues, be they positive: not wanting to leave a loved one or negative: a desire to get revenge, the soul energy of a person does not travel into the light. As a result they can be stuck on the earth plane and, at a loss for where else to go, will be attracted to a person displaying similar energy.

The emotions and feelings connected with a sudden, traumatic death can become the force which attaches a spirit to the earth plane. Anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, guilt, distress, even strong ties of love, can interfere with the universal transition into the Light. If a person dies by drug overdose, the newly deceased spirit may attach to someone who uses drugs or alcohol in order to maintain the sensations of the habit.

Sometimes at death a spirit or soul is confused or simply out of fear does not return to where it belongs. We have a choice even at the moment of our death. We're free to return home to the Light or remain on earth and rove around. If we are a victim of murder, we may also have a choice to attach ourself to the person who took our life and cause them trouble in their life.

Many spirits remain on the earth plane because of a lack of awareness of their own death.

Confusion, distrust and disbelief concerning religion and spirituality can prevent the spirit from moving into the Light.

A person subjected to this experience may just report hearing voices yet have no other psychotic symptom or behaviour. A newly formed attachment may be evidenced by the sudden onset of drug or alcohol usage, unusual and inappropriate expression and behaviour patterns, or noticeable personality changes following surgery, accident, emotional upset, suicide of a family member, even moving into a new home.

As the result of an attachment, or possession, physical appetites for food, sex, alcohol, and drugs can increase greatly. Personal attitudes and beliefs can suddenly change, as can personal tastes. The voice and even facial features and appearance can alter dramatically. An earthbound spirit retains the psychic energy pattern of its own thinking, and can transmit to it`s victim any mental abnormality or emotional disturbance, as well as any symptom of physical illness.

This condition can be extremely confusing and frightening for a person, and for friends and family. Attachment to any given person may be completely unplanned, even accidental. An attachment can be benevolent in nature, self serving to fulfil a personal need of the spirit, harmful in intention, or completely neutral. It can occur simply because of physical proximity to a dying person at the time of the death. The connection may be established by the purposeful choice of either the spirit or the living human, because of a strong emotional bond between them.

A person can be vulnerable and open to attachment due to any mental or physical symptom or condition, strong emotion, repressed negative feeling, conscious or unconscious want or need. This vulnerability can act like a magnet to attract a foreign entity with the same or similar emotion, condition, need or feeling. Severe stress may cause susceptibility to the influence of an intrusive spirit. Alteration of the consciousness with the use of alcohol or drugs, especially mind drugs, opens the unconscious mind to invasion by discarnate beings.
The same can be true for the use of anaesthetic drugs for surgery.

Spirit release therapy uses hypnosis to open up a safe communication with any energies that do not belong with a person and a therapeutic discussion ensues, allowing the energy to be gently returned to the light. Even dark energies contain light and these too can be dealt with with compassion and love.

Spirit Releasement is a therapy, not a rite. Unlike exorcism, it comes from a position of compassion, not confrontation. It aims both to free the client and to assist the attached spirit to continue its evolutionary journey.

Past Life Therapy is often usefully combined with Spirit Releasement Therapy.

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