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Human body is like a sea, one small wave creats disturbance almost whole of the system, so approach to reverse this pathological disturbances[diseases] can be of integral nature, any agent working on single/two mechanisms can not be the true answer 
The term Madhumeha is used in Charaka Samhita [1000-1500BC], Susruta Samhita [100-500BC] for the multisystemic metabolic disorders effecting multitissues, Diabetes Mellitus. Incidences of Diabetes type-II, increasing along with the increase in materialistic orientation of society; the epidemic like situation is traced in the mutation of changes in related genes & metabolic mechanisms by scientists of the field; 230 millions of diabetics are living with disease. It is emerging seventh leading causes of mortality. Increase in diabetes cases from 1990-1998 was 33% For people between 30-39 years the increase was 70% For people between 40-49 years the increase was 40% DM is caused either by a lack of Insulin [Type I] or body’s inability to use insulin [Type II] also known as maturity onset diabetes is often triggered by obesity stress& a sedentary life style. आस्यासुखं स्वप्नसुखं दधीनि ग्राम्यौदकानूपरसा: पयांसि ! नवान्नपान्नं गुडवैकृतं च प्रमेहहेतु: कफकृच्च सर्वम् !! [च. चि. अ.7] In medical texts of Indian System of Medicine-Ayurveda Genetic susceptibility, indulgence in excess intake of milk & its products, sugarcane juice& its products, meat of animals from marshland, food products prepared from cereals that are less than one year, recently prepared wines, physical inactivity, excessive sleep, no day-to-day activity related mental plannings, excessive mental worry, obesity& sedentary life habits& faulty eating habits like eating of when earlier taken food is not digested, eating food without any appitite,overeating. Twenty types of premeha, kapha [10 verities]-pitta [6varities] –vata [4varities] get manifested depending on the basic constitution on the patient, indulgence of verities of causative factors enlisted & type of tissues effected among the following- [medas] adipose, [vasaa] fat, [rakta] blood cells, [shukra] spermatozoa,[ambu] cytoplasm,[lasika] protoplasm ,[majja]bone marrow,[rasa]lymph,[pishita] muscle ,[gene-proteins/ factors responsible for immunity]ojas.

MEHAHARA YOGA: Lot of research going to find a reasonable good remedy for DM-type 2, all over the world; but till date the efforts are going on with partial success. Our effort in developing an herbal compound for the same is unique in the sense that it controls the blood sugar holistically without any side effect & minimizes the bad effects of disease process on almost all systems and vital organs. It’s a unique combination of herbs developed by Dr.Prasher for his patients; one of the best counter products of Vedanta Ayurveda that helps the diabetics in the following ways - Regenerate Beta cells to produce more Insulin

Works like Insulin

Checks the absorption of sugar from the food Insulin sensitizer Improve glucose uptake by peripheral tissues

Decreases the overweight

Restore the disturbs carbohydrates& fat metabolism

Reduce mental stress

Protect all vital organs

 Polydypsia ,Polyuria ,Polyphagia ,General debility, Profuse sweating, dryness of the skin, Pain in thigh/calf muscles, Weight loss due to calories lost as glucosuria, leaving a negative calorie balance, Poor wound healing, gingivitis, blurred vision. Diabetic Control 1. Self-monitoring of blood glucose 2. Glycohemoglobin [Hb A1c] monitoring measures blood sugar over the last 2-3 months. Hb A1c < 7 is good. Hb A1c > 9 is bad.

 Chronic Complications of Uncontrolled Diabetes Chronic complications may be due to mitochondrial super oxide overproduction in response to hyperglycemia. Atherosclerosis, Diabetic Retinopathy, Nephropathy, Neuropathy, impotency, the Diabetic Foot. The basic food stuffs/ ingredients can be processed with the ingredients of Madhumeha Kalpa keeping in the mind the taste, flavor & acceptability that is indicated in Charaka Samhita itself.

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