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Global Warming: Migitation Strategies And Solutions

Our atmosphere took billions of years to develop. Yet technological advances have given today’s society the power to change the atmosphere in fewer than 100 years. Unfortunately, it is not change for the better. The Industrial Revolution that began in the late eighteenth century made it possible for inventors to create many energy-saving machines. The only energy these machines save is human energy, because the machines use energy in the form of fossil fuels – made of large amounts of carbon. They were created when the organic remains of plants and animals were buried millions of years ago, mostly during the Carboniferous Period. Over time, heat and pressure changed the remains into coal, oil, and natural gas. When people burn fossil fuels, huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases are released into the atmosphere. The result is several changes to the composition of the atmosphere. The most significant environmental problem this paper will focus on is Global Warming.
People who growflowers year-round often use a special building that has walls and a roof made of glass. The transparent glass allows insolation to enter but prevents heat loss by radiation. So when the insolation enters the green house, the sun’s energy is trapped and warms the house. This keeps the greenhouse warmer than its surrounds.
Carbon dioxide and water vapor are like the glass in a greenhouse. They allow insolation to reach Earth’s surface, but they cut down on the escape of energy. This is known as the greenhouse effect. Without the greenhouse effect, too much energy would escape from Earth, making it too cold to sustain life. However, some scientists fear that carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels could upset the energy balance of Earth by trapping more heat. This would warm Earth more than natural warming would. Furthermore, forests are being cut down at an alarming rate. Trees and other plants are important because they absorb carbon dioxide from...

Global warming is a theory put forward by scientists, extreme environmentalists, ecologists, climate specialists and meteorologists who assert that the Earth is rapidly warming up because of human actions.   Since the industrial revolution after 1750 the world population increase rapidly, the production of energy and resources are rising dramatically in order to meet the growing demands. Yet, the economic grow increasingly wealthy; the usage of fossil fuels for the energy increase rapidly for wealth creation. Huge quantities of wastes are, therefore, generated by these movements. The release of greenhouse emissions   into the atmosphere by using of fossil fuels   in automobiles, factories, and coal-burning power plants, burning of soil as well as by loss of agriculture and forests may trap the sun’s heat, warm up the Earth and driving up global temperature

The rise in global temperature may lead to climate change and then causing rising sea levels as dilatation of water and melting ice cliffs and glacierschanging in weather patterns where intense extreme events , damaging the climate system, ecology and economic, and the spread of diseases .   However, the greenhouse effect used to be a naturally-occurring phenomenon that maintains Earth’s average temperature at approximately 60 degrees Fahrenheit (F). Gases like CO2 , methane, water vapour   and etc, act as a heat trapping thick blanket (Appendix-A),   prevent global average temperatures drop to a very cold -18’C (0 F) from its current 15’C   or 33’C (60 F) or warmer.   Without the natural greenhouse effect life would be less possible.

Yet, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, February 2007, concluded that the unstably increase of the average global temperature is almost 90% cause by human activities . Since 1750 the concentration of CO2 has increased 36%   while methane has increased nearly 155%.   By 2004, human released 8 billion tons of CO2  .                                                                                                annuallyHumans have ruled this Earth for thousands of years. Blood has been spilt upon land where the sun once shined. Of course, the sun is still shining above us, but it has a dark aura about it. It is no longer just providing heat and warmth to our society, but is also, now, slowly changing the landscape, rendering it almost useless, and we are the ones to blame. As the need for fossil fuels rise, the prices go up, and carbon dioxide emissions are higher than ever before and build up in the atmosphere as well. We are all no longer just facing some preposterous theory that some random scientist who happens to have a PhD made up just for the attention. No. This battle is against our own society and future. If we do nothing about global warming now, the future may have to pay the price with their lives.

Oh sure, the polar ice caps haven’t melted yet, the oceans haven’t dried up, nor have the weather patterns changed, but they are beginning to, and are taking their toll.
upon the land we have now. If all the ice in the world melted, sea levels would raise a minimum of 20 feet, if not any more. We would lose more land than we can afford with our rising populations which, in recent years, have sky-rocketed off the charts. Don’t blame nature, nor the Earth, for it is not their burden to carry. New Orleans, just a few years ago, was hit by Hurricane Katrina and destroyed. Rivers of tears were shed, but we did nothing but tend to the fallen. Did nothing to find out why such a small storm suddenly exploded into a raging hurricane. I’ll tell you why: Everything we do, be it washing your bike or throwing away paper, is weighed the scale of the Earth. Right now the scale is tipping and soon it will plunge us all into darkness unless we do something about it.

Deforestation – the act of cutting trees to generate farmland has a great impact on global warming.  The cutting of trees is mainly done for paper production, livestock farming etc. Deforestation is responsible for about 20% emission of global warming. Experts opine that deforestation has greater impact on global warming than emissions from factories and automobiles.
Relationship Between Deforestation and Global Warming:
Forests absorb the carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. When the trees are cut, less CO2 is absorbed, thereby increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.  Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which traps the heat and contributes towards global warming.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and they are about 50% carbon. When the trees are burnt or cut down, the stored carbon dioxide escapes into air, further increasing the global warming. It is said that the rapid cutting and burning of tropical forests is the second highest source of global warming, only next to emission by factories, planes, and automobiles.
Reasons behind Deforestation
Deforestation is caused due to the following reasons:
    • To create larger farmlands
    • For production of paper
    • For firewood
    • Cattle ranching
    • Capitalistic endeavors
Overpopulation and global warming are closely related. Overpopulation has resulted in increased need for farmlands to feed growing number of people. The need for land also has encouraged people to cut down trees.
Tips to control deforestation
Tree planting is not an activity reserved only for the environmentally conscious of the West. Rather, it is a sustainable and easy way to improve our environment, whether we are living in the United States or Pakistan.
Trees helps attract clouds for rain, helps to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide in the air which reduces global warming, it slows the rate of desertification. Trees help recharge ground water and sustain stream flow. .trees have a positive impact .                                                                                          Effects of Deforestation

The subject of deforestation and the effects that it has on the
environment have been heavily debated for a long time; particularly over the
last few years. Governments and large lumber companies see large profits in the
mass deforestation of forests and state that their actions are having few, if
any, harmful effects on the environment. Most people disagree with this and
think that the environmental effects are devastating and will become
irreversibly disastrous in the very near future. Whether or not the pros
outweigh the cons will be hotly debated for years to come but the fact is that
deforestation is harmful to the environment and leads to declining wildlife
populations, drastic changes in climate and loss of soil.
The loss of forests means the loss of habitats for many species. Current
statistics show that as many as 100 species become extinct every day with a
large portion being attributed to deforestation (Delfgaauw, 1996). "Edge
effects" are the destructionor degradation of natural habitat that occur on the
fringes of fragmented forests.   The effects for the animals include greater
exposure to the elements (wind, rain etc
…), other non-forest animals and humans
(Dunbar, 1993). This unnatural extinction   of species endangers the world's food
supply, threatens many human resources and has profound implications for
biological diversity.
Another negative environmental impact of deforestation is that it causes
climate changes all over the world. As we learned in elementary school, plant
life is essential to life on earth as it produces much of the oxygen that is
required for humans and other organisms to breathe. The massive destruction of
trees negatively effects the quantity and quality of the air we breathe which
has direct repercussions on the quantity and quality of life among both humans
and animals alike. With this reduced amount of vital plant life comes the
increase of carbon dioxide levels in the earth's atmosphereStop The Deforestation

"This land is where we know where to find all that it provides for us--food

from hunting and fishing, and farms, building and tool materials,

medicines.   This land keeps us together within its mountains; we come to

understand that we are not just a few people or separate villages, but one

people belonging to a homeland" (Colins 32).   The "homeland" is the Upper

Mazaruni District of Guyana, a region in the Amazon rain forest where the

Akawaio Indians make their home (32).   The vast rain forest, often

regarded as just a mass of trees and exotic species, is to many indigenous

people a home.   This home is being destroyed as miners, loggers, and

developers move in on the cultures of these people to strip away their

resources and complicate the peaceful, simple lives of these primitive

tribes.   However, the tribes are not the only ones who lose in this

situtation.   If rain forest invasion continues, mankind as a whole will lose a

valuable treasure:   the knowledge of these people in utilizing.
the resources

and plants of the forest for food, building, and medicine.   To prevent this

loss, the governments of the countries housing the rain forests should

provide some protection for the forest and its inhabitants through

legislation, programs.   Also, environmentalists should pursue educating

the tribes in managing their
resources for pragmatic, long-term profit

through conservation.

Although hard to believe, the environmental problems of today

started a long time before electricity
was invented, before automobilies

littered the highways, and before industries dotted the countryside.   From

ancient times to the Industrial Revolution, humans began to change the

face of the earth.   As populations increased and technology improved and

expanded, more significant and widespread problems arose.   "Today,

unprecedented demands on the environment from a rapidly expanding

human population and from advancing technology are causing a continuing. Nature's Services:
Ecosystems Are More Than Wildlife Habitat
When you step outside, whether heading for your car or for a walk around the block, you expect to be able to breathe the air. When planting flowers in the window box or tomatoes in the raised bed in your backyard, you expect those plants to grow, flower, and produce seeds or fruit. When perusing the grocery shelves, you expect to find fresh produce, and affordable fish and meat. When you turn on the tap, you expect to be able to drink the water.
Ecosystem services are the processes through which natural ecosystems, and the plants, animals and microbes that live in those environments, sustain human life. Ecosystem services produce goods, timber, and fibers, medicines and fuels. Ecosystem services even conduct life-support activities, like filtering water and recycling all kinds of wastes. The natural services that for millennia have purified the water and air, supported the growth and reproduction of food plants, controlled pests, and even moderated the weather and its impacts are declining rapidly. Land clearing for agriculture, industry and mining, and development is affecting ecosystems worldwide. As habitats become fragmented, with only pockets left here and there, the services those natural systems provide become less effective.
Tom Lovejoy, Chief Biodiversity Advisor, The World Bank, says other natural services, like waste decomposition and flood control, are often overlooked. Technology may duplicate these services temporarily, but it's doubtful that technological advances will be able to continually compensate for the large-scale loss of natural services. Although it is difficult to put a price tag on a wetland, forest, or river, the "price" for failing to protect or nurture these natural services could be daunting. As we populate the planet, nature's services will become even more essential to humans and worthy of protection from even those who never leave the cities.
Wetlands: Water...                                                                                                              What Is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the measure of variety of the Earth's
animal, plant and microbial species; of genetic
differences within species and of the ecosystems
that support those species.

The term first came to public attention in 1992 at the
Rio Earth Summit at which a convention for the
preservation for the maintenance of biodiversity
was signed by over 100 world leaders [excluding
the USA as they feared it would undermine the
patents and licences of US biotechnology

The maintenance of biodiversity is important for
ecological stability and maintaining the gene pool,
and as a resource for research into, for example,
new drugs and crops

What is causing a reduction in biodiversity
in both the developed [EDC] and less
developed [ELDC] worlds?

Most of the threats currently faced by species of
plants and animals are linked to human action. In
some cases this action, for example, hunting,
deliberately aims to reduce species numbers[ e.g.
Rhino-sole purpose of which is to cut the horn
off for illegal sale to Asian (mainly China) who
mistakenly believe it has aphrodisiac powers].
There few Rhinos left and some subspecies have
disappeared altogether e.g. Javan and Sumatran.
Similar fate is facing the tiger e.g. Bengal down to
1,500 in number, Siberian circa 250 left.

In other situations species are inadvertently
affected, for example, where habitats are
destroyed or modified by people wishing to use
the land for other purposes [For example , Korean
Hyundai Company has just been given concession
for deforestation and mineral exploration in key
Siberian Tiger territory].

In extreme cases, a species may become extinct-
this is irreversible- a loss of biodiversity. Extinction
in the wild means that some individuals may still
exist in captivity or in a seed bank. Extirpation is
localized loss.

Habitat destruction and modification is the
most serious threat to biodiversityGlobal Warming

Earth: Global Warming
Hot, sandy beaches, beautiful sunsets, and a slow rise in global temperature affect the billions of people living on planet earth.   Global warming is the increase of the Earth’s surface temperature. Global warming has occurred in the distant past, as the result of natural influences, but may even be caused by human activity.   As the world ages, the people tend to find new ways to adapt.   The causes of global warming are yet to be fully discovered but in some ways, it may not even exist.   Global warming may cause the economy to suffer and the government to profit from the so-called “green” campaigns.   If global warming does exist it may be traced back to the human race.   The burning of fossil fuels, Co2 emissions caused by car exhaust, the cutting down of forest, and livestock production, are just a few of the causes that make global warming real.   People will begin to get sick, the human lifestyle will change, species will vanish, and the cost of living will increase

Making the effort to decrease global temperature, about one to three percent, is uncertain if it will make a difference. Even if global warming is hype, it will occur.   What is going to happen will happen.
      The government’s role in global warming is the responsibility for creating havoc and hysteria.   A huge mass of money can be made by creating new ways to fight off the so-called ‘global warming issue.’ More industries will begin to develop new and improved ways to stop global warming but in result, a new form of destruction may develop.   Given that the Co2 emissions are decreased by creating ethanol, a product of corn, it will affect the earth’s soil and geography.   In Brazil, the Amazon is decreasing due to more and more requests for ethanol, therefore depleting the natural habitats of many species, creating a circular effect of global warming (Grundwald 3).
Politically, the government can manipulate the words of running candidates to advance the ideas of political...
The Future Effects Of Global Warming

The Future Effects of Global Warming
After several years of scientific debate over the existence of global warming, most experts now agree that global warming exists and may have devastating effects on Earth’s climate.   Global warming will influence and/or cause heat waves, polar ice caps melting, flooding, extinction, and droughts.
Social, Historic and Intellectual Context of the Study
The existing research literature suggests that global warming is going to greatly affect the Earth’s climate.   Global warming is defined as an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary).   Up until recently global warming was not considered real.   Scientists were not in consensus with one another about the existence of global warming.   The United States population has typically showed less interest in surveys about global warming than
the rest of the world has.   Global warming has become a more important topic since about 2000.   Scientists, for the most part, now agree that global warming is real and is caused by the burning of fossil fuels by humans.   Global warming will drastically change Earth’s climate in several ways.   There will be severe heat waves all over the world.   Polar ice caps will change drastically because of melting.   Floods will become a more common occurrence as global warming worsens.   Many different species will become extinct because they will not be able to adapt as the climate abruptly changes.   Droughts will also become longer and more intense.
Significance of the Study
This study has the potential to be of interest to the following categories of individuals and professionals: politicians, scientists, students, researchers, environmentalists, car manufacturers, global activists, and the general population.

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