Spectrum Healthcare
Diagnostic Lab in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Year of Establishment:1995
Complete Address:81-84, Lady Ratan Tata Medical & Research Centre
M. Karve Road, Cooperage
Location:Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Zip Code:400021
Contact Number(s):XXXXXXXXXX
(Timings & Off Days):Monday to Saturday
8.00 am to 7 pm
Sample / Specimen Collection Facility:Available
Introduction & Overview
Spectrum Healthcare is a Multi-speciality Diagnostic Centre located in the vicinity of South Mumbai, Colaba, Cooperage and Nariman Point. catering to the needs of health-conscious individuals and company executives. Spectrum's 50000 clients attest to its reputation. Over 200 Indian and Multinational corporations are using Spectrum health check-up and diagnostic services with high satisfaction levels. SPECTRUM's ambience, equipment and cleanliness strike every visitor!
SPECTRUM is staffed by over thirty medical and paramedical professionals with specialised training in preventive and curative medicine, surgery, cardiology, internal medicine, radiology, sonography, mammography, clinical pathology, ophthalmology, ear-nose-throat, diet and nutrition, dentistry and other relevant specialities.