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Dr. Manu Shankar's Profile
Special Message:
I am doing a Hospital based practice at a single hospital, taking all Surgical Patients. We work as a team at the Hoapital so that we can provide best care to the patients. Our Hospital has NABH accreditation, & ISO 9000:2001 certification. we have all specialities except radiation oncology
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Dr. Manu Shankar
Male, from Faridabad, Haryana, India
Practice Details:
Consultant Minimal Access Surgery at Fortis Escorts Hospital, Faridabad
Years of Practice:8 years
Location:Faridabad, Haryana, India
Zip Code:121001
Marital Status:Married
Languages Known:
English (UK), Hindi
Hobbies & Interests:
Surfing the Internet, Long drives, Listening to Music, Going on Treks, Long Surgeries. Challenging Cases
Website URL:

Qualification & Degree
1 FIAGES, 2011
2 FNB (Minimal Access Surgery), P D Hinduja National Hospital & Medical Research Center. Mumbai, National Board of Examainations, New DElhi, 2007
3 MS General Surgery, Safdarjung Hospital & Vardhman Mahavir Medical College, New Delhi, University of Delhi, 2001
4 DNB (General Surgery), Safdarjung Hospital & Vardhman Mahavir Medical College, New Delhi, National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, 2001
5 MBBS, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, University of Delhi, 1997
Contact Details
Clinic Name:
Fortis Escorts Hospital & REsearch Center, Faridabad
Department of Minimal Access & General Surgery, Room No 18,
Fortis Escorts Hospital & Medical Research Center,
Neelam Bata Road, Neelam Chowk, Faridabad 121001
Days Available:
Monday - Saturday, Clinics on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, rest of days by Appointment
10:00 am - 1:00pm & 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Contact Number(s):
Affiliations With Associations
Affiliations With Hospitals
Fortis Escorts Hospital & Research Center, Faridabad
Facilities Available
Fully Equipped OT with provision for Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery.
Clinical Interests
Minimal Access Surgery, Breast Diseases
Achievements & Awards
Gold Medal in surgery, PSM & Ophthalmology in MBBS. 2nd Prize for Best Poster IAGES Bangalore
Other Details
I am at a hospital which is part of 58 hospital Fortis Network, the largest expanding corporate network. this is the hospital in Haryana with NABH Accreditation.
Consultancy Fees:As per Hospital Tariffs (350)
Revisit Charges:As per Hospital Tariffs
Average Visitors Per Day:15
Emergency Number(s):9958055733, 0129-2466127

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