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Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital wins the prestigious IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award Trophy - 2011


Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital wins the prestigious IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Trophy - 2011

Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital (MPUH) Nadiad was today declared as the winner of the prestigious ‘Indian Merchants’ Chamber (IMC) Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality (RBNQ) Trophy 2011’ in the Health Care category. The IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Awards (IMC RBNQA) are modeled along the lines of the Malcolm Baldrige criteria of the USA and follow a rigorous process of training and evaluation. The Award program is considered as a catalyst for nation-building. The IMC RBNQ Awards give special recognition to excellence in organizations. MPUH is the first hospital in Gujarat to win this coveted Award. The Award will be given away at a grand function following the conclusion of the ‘Making Quality Happen Conference’ at Mumbai in March 2012.

The IMC RBNQA is one of the most prestigious Quality Awards in the country. The award process started in 1997 with manufacturing organizations and now covers six categories – manufacturing, service, small business, overseas, education and health care. It has four levels of recognition – Commendation Certificate, Certificate of Merit, Performance Excellence Trophy, and the most prestigious IMC RBNQ TROPHY. The Award winners were selected by a distinguished panel of judges, chaired by Mr. Anand Mahindra. Earlier, a team of specially trained Examiners designated by the IMC RBNQA evaluated MPUH on seven criteria spanning leadership; strategic planning; focus on patients, other customers and markets; measurement analysis and knowledge management; workforce focus; process management; and results. The Award Criteria emphasize on openness and transparency in governance and ethics, the need to create value for customers, and the challenges of rapid innovation and capitalizing on knowledge assets. The rigorous process began in August 2011, when the application was submitted, and a presentation was made to the Team of Examiners a month later. The experts do extensive research on the organisation for over a period of one and half months and benchmark it with the competitors. There were two days of on-site inspection in November by the team of examiners during which all the facets of our organisation were audited based on the seven-point criteria.
About MPUH: MPUH, located in Nadiad, Gujarat, was established in 1978. It is a not-for-profit, super specialty Trust Hospital specialized in Nephro-Urology. MPUH is a leader in not just treatment, but teaching, training and research in nephro-urology.

MPUH has got several ‘firsts’ to its credit: First live donor kidney transplant operation in Gujarat (1980) – more than 2000 live kidney transplants have been done at MPUH so far; Started the Department of Endourology for treating kidney stones through endoscopic procedures for the first time in India (1980) – MPUH has perhaps handled the largest number of kidney stone cases in the world; Introduced Ureteroscopy for the first time in India (1985); Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy performed for the first time in India (1999); Hosted the first World Summit on Radical Prostatectomy (2002); Hosted the first World Summit on Kidney surgery (2003); MPUH is the first Training Centre in Asia to host SIU-recognized fellowship programmes (2003); Installed OR-1 S (Major Operation Theatre) from Karl Storz Germany, first in India (2004); Installed Riwo-net Operation Theatre from Richard Wolf Germany, first in India (2004). Hosted 22nd World Congress on Endourology at Mumbai (2004); introduced Robotic HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) for the first time in India (2008); introduced da Vinci Si Robot for the first time in Gujarat (2010); introduced Prostate HistoScanning for the first time in India (2011).
MPUH is recognized by the Endo-urological Society, New York for the two-year Fellowship in Endo-urology; by the International Society of Nephrology, USA for Fellowship Training and Student Exchange; and by the Société Internationale d’Urologie for the 6-month SIU Scholarships. The Medical Director and Managing Trustee of MPUH, Dr Mahesh Desai, MS, FRCS, FRCS, is the first Indian to have been elected as the President of the Society International d’ Urology (SIU), and the President-elect of the world Endourological Society – the only person to have been elected to the highest position of both these international bodies. The hospital has made India and Gujarat in particular, really proud.

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Unique robotic-assisted surgery performed on a 3-month-old child at MPUH Nadiad

Unique robotic-assisted surgery performed on a 3-month-old child at MPUH Nadiad

A congenital pelvi ureteric obstruction in the right kidney was detected by sonography when the child’s mother was in her 8th month of pregnancy. Parents followed up with investigations after the birth of the child and they were advised that the surgery at the earliest can be done only after three months. Traditionally, for this type of problem, open surgery is performed, but with advancement of technology, at MPUH Nadiad such operations are done by laparoscopy. So far MPUH surgeons have done 196 laparoscopy pyeloplasty surgeries. Now the hospital has acquired Robot, but it has so far been used in adult or grown up children.

Dr. Craig A Peters, Consultant Urologist from Washington DC, USA has been visiting MPUH regularly to promote advanced technology in pediatric urology and since yesterday he has done four cases and also mentored the local team in pediatric robot-assisted surgeries. Today history was created at MPUH. For the first time in India, a 3-month-old child underwent Robot-assisted pyeloplasty. It involved anesthesia and insertion of three ports; two of 5 mm and one 10 mm into the abdomen – one for telescope and the other two for operating arms. Excising the obstructing segment and reconstructing the pelvic ureteric junction with very fine suturing were done successfully. Due to the higher magnification, very precise reconstruction can be carried out. We believe the result of such robotic surgery would be even superior to what is achieved through other procedures.

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International Honours for Dr. Mahesh Desai of MPUH Nadiad

International Honours for Dr. Mahesh Desai of MPUH Nadiad

It is a matter of great pride not just for the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital (MPUH), Nadiad, but the country as a whole, and the Indian Urology in particular, that Dr. Mahesh Desai, MS, FRCS (London), FRCS (Edinburgh), Medical Director and Managing Trustee of MPUH, has been elected as the ‘President-Elect’ of the Endourological Society Inc. at the World Congress of Endourology (WCE) held at Kyoto, Japan during November 30 to December 3, 2011. During the WCE2011 at Kyoto, an MPUH doctor won two prizes – 1st prize for the best video “Micro percutaneous nephrolithotomy: The initial feasibility study”, and the 2nd prize for the best Essay “Staghorn Morphometry: A New Tool for Clinical Classification and Prediction Model for PCNL Monotherapy.”

At the initiative and direction of Dr. Mahesh Desai, MPUH had successfully organized the 12th World Video Urology Congress 2000 at Goa, and the 22nd World Congress on Endourology 2004 at Mumbai.

It may be recalled, in October this year, Dr. Mahesh Desai had become the first Indian to assume the Office of the President of the Société Internationale d'Urologie (SIU) at the SIU World Congress held at Berlin, Germany. It is unprecedented that Dr. Desai is perhaps the only person to hold both these prestigious positions simultaneously or separately. The other positions that Dr Desai has held include President, Urological Society of India (2006-2007); Chairman, Sub-specialties, Society International d’Urologie (SIU) ( 2004-2009); Chairman, Scientific Committee, Endourology Society Inc. (2007 - present); President, Asian Society of Endourology (2008 - present); Chairman, Endourology Education Training Site Committee of Endourology Society Inc. (2008 - 2011); Member, International Committee of American Urological Association (2008 - 2011).

News has also just come in that Dr. Mahesh Desai has been selected for the prestigious ‘St. Paul’s Medal 2012’ by the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS). It is awarded to “distinguished colleagues from overseas whose contributions to the Association in particular, or to Urology in general, BAUS Council particularly wishes to appreciate and honour.” Since the inception of this Medal in 1989, Dr. Mahesh Desai is only the second Indian after Dr. Dara K Karanjavala (1993), to be honoured with this international recognition.

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Nadiad Kidney Hospital becomes the first hospital in India to install the ‘Prostate HistoScanning’

Nadiad Kidney Hospital becomes the first hospital in India to install the ‘Prostate HistoScanning’

Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital, Nadiad has become the first hospital in India to introduce the state-of-the-art ‘Prostate Histoscanning’. To take care of the increasing number of uro cancer patients, in 2010, the hospital had set up a full-fledged ‘Rohit J Patel Department of Uro-oncology’. MPUH was the first hospital in India to acquire the Robotic HIFU for non-surgical, least invasive treatment of prostate cancer in the elderly. The hospital started laparoscopic radical prostatectomy in 2004 and have performed more than 100 such procedures for localized carcinoma prostate. MPUH was also the first hospital in western India to introduce da Vinci Si Robotic-assisted surgery for kidney, prostate and bladder cancer in 2010.

Prostate HistoScanning is a proprietary tissue characterisation technology developed to differentiate, characterise and visualise prostate tissue, based on the analysis of backscattered ultrasound. It is a unique ultrasound application to aid: Treatment selection, Individual treatment planning, and Triaging patients for active surveillance. It also provides a complete analytic prostate imaging solution for visual reassurance: Accessible and user-friendly solution within the clinic, Provides high quality 3D visualisation of the prostate gland; up to 895 frames per scan, Provides accurate localisation and extent of differentiated tissue suspected to be cancer in less than 5 minutes extra ultrasound exam time.
With the introduction of Prostate HistoScanning, the doctors at MPUH are better equipped to diagnose and treat prostate cancer.


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RIRS v/s Mini-Micro PCNL


The Duet (Jugalbandhi) or The Duel – RIRS v/s Mini-Micro PCNL

Jayaramdas Patel Academic Centre (JPAC) at the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital (MPUH), Nadiad is organizing a three-day programme titled ‘The Duet (Jugalbandhi) or The Duel – RIRS v/s Mini-Micro PCNL’ during 25th to 27th August, 2011.
RIRS (Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery) is a procedure for doing surgery within the kidney using a viewing tube called a fiber optic endoscope. RIRS may be done to remove a stone. The stone is seen through the scope and can then be manipulated or crushed by a pneumatic probe or evaporated by a laser probe or grabbed by small forceps, etc. The advantages of RIRS over open surgery are that it is a minimally invasive surgery with the elimination of prolonged pain after surgery, and much faster recovery. PCNL, on the other hand, is a procedure for removing medium-sized or larger stones from the patient's urinary tract. Micro PCNL procedure is an effective method of removing kidney stones as in one procedure one can remove all of them during a short period of hospitalization. Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital has handled more than 24000 stone cases so far.
The programme will cover all aspects of treatment of kidney stones. The participants will also be able to see LIVE surgeries. The invited faculty includes Drs Olivier Traxer (France), Dr. Mahesh Desai, S K Singh, T Manohar, P P Rao and R B Sabnis.


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