Dr. Kranthi Vardhan Renukuntla
Male, 48 Years from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Practice Details:
Am an "Ayurvedic Spinal Specialist" mainly dealing with "Meru Chikitsa"- Ancient Ayurveda Spinal and Neuro Therapy. From simple Disc bulge to complex Herniations of the Disc and Spine I give cure without Surgery. I also am a specialist in treating Skin, Psoriasis, Sexual Problems, Infertility, Neurological and Auto Immune Diseases.
Years of Practice:9 years
Location:Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Zip Code:500029
Birth Place:Nalgonda
Year of Birth:1977
Age:48 Years
Marital Status:Married
Spouse's Name:Dr Suman Madhuri
Spouse's Occupation:Working
Spouse's Age:48 Years
Number of Children:2
Languages Known:
English (US), Hindi
Hobbies & Interests:
I love Drawing & Painting; I have got Silver Medal in International Painting Competetion which was given by Late His Highness The President of India Dr Shankar Dayal Sharma for the Painting Titled "Food For Secular Thought".
Website URL:
Qualification & Degree
1 B.A.M.S; M.S (Psychotherapy & councelling), Dr B.R.K.R. Govt Ayurvedic Medical College, S.R. Nagar, Erragadda, Hyderabad, N.T.R.University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, 1995
Contact Details
Clinic Name:
Dr Kranthi's Institute of Ayurvedic Sciences & Research, The Kerala Ayurvedic Care, Speciality Panchakarma Centre.
3-6-101/1, St No:19, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-29
Days Available:
Mon-Sat 10 am to 6pm
Sun 10 am to 2pm.
10 am to 6 pm
Contact Number(s):
Affiliations With Associations
Associated with many Associations.
Affiliations With Hospitals
Dr Kranthi's Institute of Ayurvedic Sciences & Research, The Kerala Ayurvedic Care, Speciality Panchakarma Centre, Hyderabad.
Facilities Available
We have 5 Treatment Rooms with all the necessary facilities required for the Speciality Ayurveda Panchakarma, Rejuvenation Procedures, Beauty Therapies and Kerala Kalari Special Massages.
Clinical Interests
Spinal Care, Skin, Psoriasis, Sexual Problems, Infertility, Neurological cases, Auto Immune disorders, MND, Parkinsonism, Alzeimers, Multiple Sclerosis and Challenging diseases.
Achievements & Awards
For the Services rendered in the field of Ayurveda I, myself as the Chief Physician & Managing Director of Dr. Kranthi�s Institute of Ayurvedic Scieces & Research, THE KERALA AYURVEDIC CARE, Speciality Panchakarma Centre, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad have been awarded many Awards, Honours and Felicitations. To Name a few: "KRRISHI RATNA AWARD", "AYURVEDA TAPASWI AWARD" & �VAIDYA RATNA AWARD�.
Other Details
'Ayurveda' is existing since times immemorial, which itself is the biggest honour for the health of the mankind. Believe it for it does wonders.
Consultancy Fees:500
Revisit Charges:200
Average Visitors Per Day:30