Posted by on Tuesday, 24th June 2014
Student: Sir, why do you prefer NAMASMARAN to other techniques or methods of meditation?
Teacher: It is because it is simple, inexpensive, and acceptable to all religions. It does not contradict or interfere with any traditions. It can be practiced in any condition of body.
Student: Any other reason?
Teacher: It is truly personal and it is truly universal. It is personal in the sense that it takes us to our true self and it is universal in the sense that it unites and harmonizes every being with cosmic self!
Student: Which is the main difficulty in accepting it?
Teacher: There is no barrier in its acceptance, except that of our ego. But the ego also gets dissolved in the process of practicing it!
Student: Any other reason?
Teacher: I like NAMASMARAN; because it suits childhood, youth and old age; and every form of art such as music and dance! Moreover it suits every culture and every life style. It is truly a magic that blossoms an individual and the universe!
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Posted by on Sunday, 22nd June 2014
Student: Sir, in spite of years of practice of NAMASMARAN; I am still not able to experience what is described as satisfaction! What should I do?
Teacher: As far as I understand it, satisfaction is even more difficult than achievement of extraordinary feats.
Student: What do you mean?
Teacher: Practice of NAMASMARAN is actually a training of doing an activity where you do not get any “benefit”! Being such a practice; NAMASMARAN does not impart any benefit to us, but actually transforms us to our original omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient state, which is totally devoid of any desires! This is an immortal state. But this may require not years and decades but even more.
Student: I don’t understand!
Teacher: When we are told that don’t expect anything; we think that we should not expect money, name, fame, power etc. So we stop expecting those things and start expecting satisfaction; because we think it is assured by Guru! But this concept of “getting” itself traps us! We mistakenly take the satisfaction referred to by our Guru, to be some kind of gratification or complacence; and keep waiting for it; and are eventually disappointed.
Student: So what to do?
Teacher: Just as we breathe oxygen to survive physically; we ought to practice NAMASMARAN to be what we actually are i.e. to be our self. Just as we breathe at every age and every stage of life, we should practice NAMASMARAN in every condition.
Just as there is no necessity to curb other activities relevant and appropriate to a particular age and stage of life there is no need to suppress any impulses arbitrarily. Our physical, emotional and intellectual needs, desires and aspirations have to be given justice through our efforts; in the light of NAMASMARAN in the form of prompting from deep within; the empowering guidance of our Guru!
Actually our needs and desires go on changing or disappearing in the process of our transformation, without any coercion or suppression. This buoyant life style is called KRAMAYOGA.
Student: In short, we should not expect anything, even happiness, peace, satisfaction from NAMASMARAN?
Teacher: It may appear strange. But it is true. When we feel cold, we should use warm clothes. But how can we expect warmth from a process which actually transforms us to our original state of “fire”? Moreover once we become fire, how can we experience the warmth of warm clothes?
Student: Sir, this explanation is quite different from the overt sentimentality of millions of devotees!
Teacher: Actually, often; we are in need of some solace, some peace; some escapism and so on. Hence we try to cling to some tradition, some cult and feel secure in it. Often we infatuate piety, devotion, surrender, blessings, bounty, freedom from instincts; etc as these are our emotional crutches. We seek some social acceptability, social recognition and some social cohesiveness. This is understandable.
But for me; NAMASMARAN is a straight forward and transcientific process of individual and universal blossoming, which may be termed “holistic evolution” to distinguish it from “organic evolution”. Can we wish to be evolved? Evolution cannot be wished for! Hence my Guru Brahmachaitanya Shri Gondavalekar Maharaj repeatedly states that practice of NAMASMARAN is appropriate, when it is for the sake of NAMASMARAN only!
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Posted by on Friday, 20th June 2014
Student: Sir, why do you keep on writing and that also; persistently on the same theme; without any; even economic incentive?
Teacher: This is a kind of compulsion or an obsession. I don’t pretend to be writing for fulfillment. This action of writing is inevitable like the process of delivery in the stage of full term pregnancy. It is painful and not merely fulfilling.
Student: Don’t you write it for the benefit of mankind?
Teacher: Anyone can claim that his/her action is globally benevolent. But to me what we perceive, feel and respond to; constitutes changing and hence deceptive, limited and hence incomplete; and NOT self controlled, independent reality. The reality is beyond time, space and human consciousness; termed SHRI RAMA and is super controlling (SAMARTH ) cause the ‘field’; and everything else is a ‘function’ or ‘contingent’.
SRHI RAMA SAMARTH is simply; the reiteration of this fact; and prevent the SHACKLING impact and influence of the contingent called MAYA.
Hence, irrespective of the accuracy, appropriateness, relevance, benevolence; or otherwise; writing simply happens. It is beyond being resisted.
Student: Is this not true for every action of every person?
Teacher: Yes! It is true for every action of every person. Theoretically speaking; actions get expressed through us; whether we are self realized or ignorant; and philanthropic or criminal.
Student: But from practical point of view; this statement is misleading; as we the common people have to work ourselves and discharge our duties.
Teacher: SHRIRAM SAMARTH is a truth that is realized at an evolved state of mind and is valid for that state only. Rest of us; have to; without denying this truth; abide by our duties, called SWADHARMA.
Student: What do you say about the terrorist and indiscriminately violent actions?
Teacher: Even the menaces like terrorism, the imperceptible roots of which are spread even within us, can be subdued if we go on practicing NAMASMARAN thereby connecting with the syncytium of interiors (SHRIRAM); common to all; while simultaneously practicing actions according to our constitutions, in the light of innate inspiration and guidance (SWADHARMA).
Student: Don’t you think writing is a feeble and innocuous activity?
Teacher: It does appear to be so; especially when compared to the actual phenomenon of self realization!
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Posted by on Wednesday, 18th June 2014
Student: Sir, It is said that NAMASMARAN is exclusively a personal issue. It is so much personal that nobody; not even the family members and spouse; is a partner in it. If this is so, then why should we promote it?
Teacher: It is true that NAMASMARAN is a personal issue. It is like breathing. No one can breathe on our behalf!
Student: Then why should we promote it?
Teacher: Just as when there is a threat to oxygen content in the atmosphere, just breathing is not enough. All of us; the governments, the organizations and individuals; are required to work for increasing oxygen content in the atmosphere. Similarly; when there is paucity of awareness and insight in NAMASMARAN, which is vital for sustaining and blossoming individual and universal life; in the global ambiance, it essential and urgent to promote it.
Student: But Sir! Is it not inappropriate to promote it; when we ourselves have so many drawbacks?
Teacher: It is inappropriate to assume authority and preach but it is appropriate, essential and urgent to share the importance of NAMASMARAN in sustaining and blossoming individual and universal life; with maximum people.
Student: But is it not true that this is going to happen in any case through the comic will?
Teacher: It is true. The dark clouds of NAMAVISMARAN will disappear; but how? It is through the promotion of NAMASMARAN; by us, the fortunate ones. It is a great bounty, if we could follow the cosmic i.e. our Guru’s will!
Student: But is it not true that we should try to improve ourselves and not try to transform the world? Is it not preposterous or mega maniacal to assume that we can transform the world?
Teacher: It is true that we should try to improve ourselves by maximum practice of NAMASMARAN. But even this would be catalyzed if the ambiance is conducive; and not unfavorable or suffocating!
Student: Does it not shift our focus from NAMASMARAN?
Teacher: If we are involved in NAMASMARAN for 24 hours, then this argument is valid. But we use it as an excuse, even as we are unnecessarily and inadvertently involved in useless and counterproductive activities!
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Posted by on Friday, 13th June 2014
Student: Sir, what do you think is an essential activity for a central health minister?
Teacher: Like any other minister; a health minister would be much better off if he pursues self realization through a simple and easy way such as the practice and promotion of NAMASMARAN.
Student: How would it help?
Teacher: He would grow from within. He would become more objective. He would get freed from subjective elements.
He would become more His vision, thinking, feelings, attitudes, passions, motivation, policies, plans, programs and their implementation; would be evolved. He would become more benevolent to the society at large and consequently to the world.
Student: Can you give an example?
Teacher: Yes! He would initiate on priority basis; a process of developing the concept, practice, teaching and research of holistic health and holistic medicine, which would prepare the foundation of democratization of health care and empowerment of patients, doctors and all the health care workers.
He would take decisions to ensure optimal working hours and working conditions for all the health workers, including doctors and nurses.
He would initiate the process of cultivating medicinal herbs and encourage the inexpensive and noninvasive modalities of treatment and rehabilitation such as massage, yoga and panchakarma.
He would initiate a process of collaboration with environmental ministry and bring restriction on chemical pollution resulting from mismanaged industries; and chemical and noise pollution and vehicular road accidents resulting from lopsided cancerous production and marketing of small vehicles.
He would initiate a process of finding out the causes of growing garbage, sullage and sewage and solutions to control this growth and improve its disposal.
I am sure the experts with holistic perspective can provide much more detailed and far more constructive suggestions.
Student: You mean to say that the present arbitrary approach would not succeed?
Teacher: From the present piecemeal and sectarian approach we have to evolve a holistic approach. Even the collaboration with other ministries such as agriculture, food supply, energy, laws etc. are essential for evolving and consolidating such a holistic and efficient approach to health care and health promotion.
Student: I this perspective holds true for all the ministers.
Teacher: Yes. That is true.
Student: Will this happen?
Teacher: This is a need of hour...rather compulsion of time. This will happen. This cannot be stopped.
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