Dr. Balkar Singh Kundan
Male, 57 Years from Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Practice Details:
Mission: Kundan Kidney Care is committed to Ayurvedic medical principles in partnership with modern medical care. By providing an herbal system of treatment uniquely tailored to a patent’s level of kidney disease, we seek to give each person a renewed health and a fresh start in life.
Years of Practice:18
Location:Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Zip Code:144004
Year of Birth:1968
Age:57 Years
Marital Status:Married
Spouse's Name:Dr Gaganpreet Kundan
Spouse's Occupation:Working
Number of Children:2
Languages Known:
English (US), Hindi
Website URL:
Qualification & Degree
1 B.A.M.S from Chandigarh, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh, Punjab University Chandigarh, 1991
Contact Details
Clinic Name:
Kundan Kidney Care Centre
257/6 Vij Nagar, Hoshiarpur Road, Near Kishanpura Chowk, Jalandhar-4, Punjab, INDIA
Days Available:
All Seven Days
9 AM to 5 PM
Contact Number(s):