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Dr. Santosh Dhadambe's Profile
Special Message:
Do feel Free to contact me any time for any Guidance or Discussion about Homoeopathy, its role in Psychiatric conditions,or any other issues about Medical science or spritual Healing, SRT (Spirit Releasement therapy), PLRT (Past Life Regression Therapy).I assure you will make all my best efforts to clear your Doughts,and if cant will definately guide to appropriate fratrenity,Individual,Doctor as per my Knowledge.
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Dr. Santosh Dhadambe
Male, 42 Years from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Practice Details:
B.H.M.S, M.D Psychiatry.
Practicing as Consulting Homeopath, Psychiatrist & Councellour. Also Reki Master, Hypnotherapist, Crystal Healing.
Deal with all Physical,Psychological,Psychosomatic,Behaviour problems.
Years of Practice:3
Location:Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Zip Code:400014
Birth Place:Mumbai
Year of Birth:1982
Age:42 Years
Marital Status:Single
Languages Known:
English (US), Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi
Hobbies & Interests:
Reading spritual book, Motivational Books, literature.
Sports - Batminbon, Chess.

Qualification & Degree
1 Fellowship in Child Psychiatry, Spandan Holistic Child Guidance Centre, Ghatkopar, Mumbai, 2010
2 M.D, Psychiatry, Dr.M.L.Dhawale Homeopathic Hospital, Palghar, Thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra., M.U.H.S Nashik,MH, 2009
3 B.H.M.S, Smt. K B Abad Homeopathic Medical College, Chandwad, Nashik, Maharashtra., M.U.H.S Nashik, 2006
Contact Details
Clinic Name:
1st Floor, Alka Hotel, Thane Station, Thane West.
Days Available:
Contact Number(s):
Affiliations With Associations
VMC Healthonline,Thane,Mumbai base company, - Medical Director
Affiliations With Hospitals
Sanjeevani Hospital & Poly Clinic, Dadar- East, Mumbai
Facilities Available
SRT (Spirit Releasement therapy), PLRT (Past Life Regression Therapy)
Reiki Healing (Practicing since 10 years)
Crystal Healing.
Clinical Interests
Psychiatric Illness - Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, Behavioural Problems, StressManagement, Psycho-somatic illness-Headache, GIT issues etc.
Councelling & Hypnotherepy.
Also depending on the case and patients intrest do Spritual healing like Reiki, Crystal therapy,SRT (Spirit Releasement therapy), PLRT (Past Life Regression Therapy).
Achievements & Awards
"Best Physician and Helar" of the year 2011, Public Association,Naigaon, Dadar east,Mumbai.
Other Details
please do call for any further information about Homeopathy, Councelling, Hypnotherapy, Reiki Healing (Practicing since 10 years), Crystal Healing, SRT (Spirit Releasement therapy), PLRT (Past Life Regression Therapy).
Consultancy Fees:750 for Homeopathy. 2000 for 1st SRT & PLRT Session.
Revisit Charges:250 for Homeopathy. 1000 for SRt & PLRT Follow up.
Average Visitors Per Day:15-20 for Homeopathy, 2-3 for SRT,PLRT.
Emergency Number(s):9702941432

Mr. Samarpan Joshi
Mr. Samarpan Joshi - 14 Apr 2012
Excellent Article Doctor......would like to undergo SRT & PLRT for myself...very keen to recive your responce....thanx.
Mr. Samarpan Joshi
Mr. Samarpan Joshi - 20 Mar 2012
very good and nice article on Teenagers. It will definately help me to deal with my students. Thanx Doc for such Informative article

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