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Dr. Swapna Potdar's Profile
Homeopathy and Chronic renal failure
A Case Of Chronic Renal Failure:

It was a precious opportunity for me to treat few cases of chronic renal failure.
I am discussing here one such case of interest.

On the 12 th June 2003 a gentleman aged 73 years came to my office with his wife and daughter.
He was a man of short thin built, with a yellowish complexion and looking pale and withered. He had a calm and composed expression. It was characteristically fearless, showing no anxiety or concern of any kind.

He had been a professor of language for 17 years and had composed many poems. He had taught literary criticism to students of Masters in Arts.

His wife and daughter were doing all the talking. He reprimanded them right at the beginning of the interview and asked them whether they were going to let him talk.

He started as, ‘I have absolutely no complaints. I am a diabetic since 20 years. That was detected in a routine blood examination before my operation for cataract. I am a hypertensive since 15 years. That was detected in a routine medical check up.
Since a few weeks I had slight nausea and aversion for food. So I had a check up done when high urea and creatinine was found in my blood.’

He has been on anti-hypertensive allopathic drugs and Insulin injections for about 15 years.

The levels were Blood Urea level 220 mg/dl (normal range being 15-40 mg/dl)
and Serum creatinine at 3.9 u/dl (Normal range being 0.5-1.5)

His Renal Doppler suggested diffuse renal parenchymal disease. An atrio-ventricular fistula had been made in his right arm, and he was to go for a dialysis the following week.

2 years back he had a toe amputation for an intractable infection.
So it is quite evident that he is suffering from complications of diabetes.

Let us take note here that there is a major problem in his body, but the only symptoms the vital force has expressed is slight nausea and aversion for food.

The relative lack of subjective symptoms was striking.
This brought to mind the syphilitic miasm so definitely.

The syphilitic miasm is of a deep destructive nature, which hardly shows up in the form of subjective symptoms. Its very nature is like the silent killer.

The relative lack of subjective symptoms gives us the clue that psora is more or less latent at this point of time.
Psora in its very essence means expression; psora needs to express as it needs to communicate its primary anxiety of separation. Psora expresses to connect with others so that they may feel less separated; less lonely. The mental ‘itch’ may thus somewhat be relieved.

So we find that his economy only communicates minimally, in the form of two symptoms, nausea and an aversion for food. That is quite unlike an active psora.

He has a low appetite, and nausea. Empty retching.
He likes spicy pickles and sweet meats when well. Let us note here that it is not a craving, a mere preference. So we cannot really put it high up in the hierarchy.
He drinks less water as his chest seems to fill up with it. His stools are sometimes dry and hard.
He passes about 1 litre of urine per day.

He is a man of few words. And they are precious ones.
Quite unlike an active psora!

He has a small friends’ circle of renowned writers and poets. He used to read a lot, but is not happy with the present shallow writing, and thinking. So now, he generally does not read much, nor does he write anymore.
He had a huge collection of books all of which he donated to a library.
We understand this as a need to collect and retain followed by a total discharge, probably out of a growing indifference.
It means he is tuning away from the things he ardently loved before.

He has stopped his expression- his writing and teaching, and become indifferent now. He has a feeling that it is not worth it anymore.

The symptoms I could gather were-

Absence of symptoms where expected
Irritated on being disturbed
Renal failure

But to summarize the observations made before,
He was in psora and tubercular miasm initially.
Psora because it being a basic ‘ mother miasm’, is always present, though varying in its active influence or activity during the lifetime of a person.
And psora, also because he was very expressive, teaching, writing.
The tubercular miasm shows itself by his creativity and innovative ideas;

Only creative persons can write poems. And those who think and feel deeply and can express it in verse.
The Syphilitic miasm seems to have been present in the past, but had been latent in his constitution. This conclusion is on the basis of his mentioning that he did not have any ‘subjective symptoms’ of diabetes or of hypertension. These had been detected during routine blood tests.

That means there was hardly any expression of the inner disturbance; which means not much activity of psora although psora is always there.

Now at this point of time, when the patient is in chronic renal failure, the syphilitic miasm seems more dominant as it has brought about a silent irreversible organ damage and the little activity of a largely latent psora seems to have brought up the nausea and aversion for food, which are the only subjective symptoms, or expressions in his case.

If psora had remained almost completely latent, he would have had no symptoms, no nausea or food aversion. He would probably have straight away gone into uraemic coma.

Besides this miasmatic analysis we see a prominent theme in the case.
He used to collect- ‘retain’ a large number of books, which he has now given away- discharged. We see a polarity of need and aversion here.
He is reserved- ‘retains’ emotions. Initially he expressed them in verse, now he does not. He ‘retains’.
He is a deep, sensitive thinker.

The theme of retention, his depth of thinking and his past tryst with verse, brought to mind Natrum and the radical chloride.
So one dose consisting of 2 pellets of Natrum mur 6X were given to him. The rest was plain Sac lac.

In organ damage, I have observed great benefit with the low potencies. Here I have often used the X potencies instead of the C. The C correspond more to the higher frequencies of disturbance as they are more potent than the X potencies.

The frequency of energy of a disturbance is a relative term, by which I mean that—the higher the frequency, the more is the ‘energy’ of expression of the symptoms.
The symptoms will be sharp, strong, marked, and violent.
The ‘higher’ potencies correspond to these sublimated forms of expression.

The lower the frequency of energy of a disease, the lower is the intensity of expression of symptoms.
Like it is in our patient. So the lower potencies are more similar here. Though certainly not a material dose!

The low potencies correspond to the more physical aspects of disease; to the disturbances of a lower frequency so to say.

The problem with him right now, is- his failing kidneys.
I could not have given him a higher potency as his constitution would have been overwhelmed by it. They would just not correspond to him! It would bring about aggravation.
So he had one dose of Natrum Mur 6X.

He reported back about a month later on 17th July 2003, with his BUL and S. Cr. Levels.

BUL was 136 mg/dl……which had been 220 mg/dl before.
S .cr was 3.15 ug/dl……which was 3.9 ug/dl before.

He said ‘I feel more energetic’ and he looked less yellow for sure. He looked more interested than before. This means the syphilitic miasm has reduced in its activity a little.

Placebo was continued up to 29/09/03. His allopathic medications continued as before.

Now his BUL was 166 mg/dl 3.9 ug/dl

During this period, he had an episode of vertigo.
He also had fluctuations in Blood sugar levels in the last one week.
He seemed to be more irritated this time. His wife said he seemed to want to cast off all the restrictions put upon him by doctors.
He decided that he wanted to travel to Canada, to his daughter. ‘I need to travel. It is a tonic for me. I always wanted to travel. But my wife’s osteoarthritis never let us go anywhere. My kidneys feel better now. Please give me something that I can travel without a problem with them’.

Do we see here the rebellious Tubercular miasm coming up! Let us recall that he was a thinker, poet and teacher, the creative Tubercular.

These statements were quite startling as compared to his first visit. He seemed to have come out of the Natrum Mur phase. He wanted to go out, travel, connect back with his distant relatives, and even risk his health for that.

This brought to mind another member of the Natrums, Natrum Phos.

The outgoing, communicating effervescent Phosphate radical, who can burn himself by his own warmth if he is not able to give it out.

Now Natrum Phos 12X was given.

I chose the 12X now, as we see that the ‘energy’ of his symptoms have increased to a higher level. The frequency is higher than a 6X.

Nat phos has known to have an affinity for the pancreas and hence diabetes; says the Biochemistry man Schussler.
Nat phos is irritated. And incidentally our patient had a deep yellow coated tongue which confirmed my choice of Natrum Phos!

2 months later, his BUL was 97 mg/dl….(previous reading – 166mg/dl) 2.2 ug/dl ……….(previous reading- 3.9 ug/dl )

His allopathic anti-hypertensive and insulin shots continued, but he needed only half the initial dose now!

This was encouraging.

He went on well for about 3 years. He did travel abroad to Canada to visit his daughter, and enjoyed his stay there for a period of six months. After Natrum phos, he did not rebel against medical advice regarding diet and regimen, and so did not ‘burn’ himself, or I mean land himself into trouble, like he would have without our Natrum Phos 12 X.
He was independently going about his routine activities and even went out alone for a short walk.
He visited every month and was quite stable. As symptoms came up he got a single dose of the indicated remedy. Natrm sulph 30 X one dose on one occasion and Nux vomica 30 one dose on another.

3 years later he started deteriorating. He complained of breathlessness, and disorientation.
He died of cardiac arrest peacefully at the ripe age of 76 years.

We do understand here that it was a case with irreversible renal damage. But the medicine seemed to have accentuated the functioning of the remaining healthy renal cortical tissue for a fairly good period of time. He did not require dialysis except on the last day of his life, as his condition had been stable, and his blood biochemistry was fairly good.

Homeopathy could give him a better quality of life. I can say that it was probably even considerably prolonged with Homeopathy.

Dr. Swapna Potdar
D. (Hom)Devon, (UK)

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CHORIORETINITIS treated with Homeopathy

Hello readers! Here is another gem from homeopathic healing.
A gentleman aged 51 years came with blurring of vision of the left eye, in spite of correction of refractory with spectacles. He had been to several ophthalmologists, and a number of tests had been carried out.
Namely, VDRL, Toxoplasmosis, HIV, Tuberculin test, and orbital sonography. All except the sonography yielded nothing.
Orbital sonography showed post inflammatory chorio-retinal thickening with floating bands in the posterior vitreous chamber.
One ophthalmologist advised him to have an orbital angiography, another advised him to try steroid injections. No one could be sure of why he had the problem, and whether it would go for good or not.
His wife wanted him to take homeopathy. He was reluctant, even defiant; but his wife was sure. She said, “Don’t risk your eyes with invasive methods. Homeopathy can surely help you, never harm. And at worse if it fails, I can take are of a blind husband for life!”
Cheers! To the followers of Homeopathy!
So there he was in my clinic, a short thin man with spectacles, a pointed chin curly hair, and a strikingly ‘wild’ looking face. (This strikes some miasmatic bells in mind!).
He showed me his reports and was very anxious about his eyes and the treatment suggested.
He had been a sickly child. Always ill with whatever disease was going around. (Psora, Tub). He had diphtheria when he was 5 years old, and had been quite ill then. His family doctor warned of dangerous consequences if he became violent or mentally upset. So he had his way in everything since then.
His wife described him as an impulsive, whimsical person. He always fell into trouble with someone or another. Yelling, shouting and fighting his way on useless matters. He was like a difficult child! I once saw him overtake a truck on his bike, dangerously, just to bad mouth the driver.
He analyzed and theorized, until one’s hair would split! He had a lecture to give on everything under the sun, including the sun. It was as if he wanted to prove that he was a genius to the sheer exasperation of listeners. His brothers were very sure he was mad, and all he needed was a psychiatrist!
Once he understood that I would listen to all that he had to say, he felt comfortable nay, elated! He spoke to me like a teenager, laughing and jesting and cracking silly jokes!
But this was one aspect which was another pole to his quarrelsome nature.
He quickly shifted from one to another.

The main point that struck me was his ‘wild face’ and wild talk, and his peculiar physiognomy. It was a ‘delayed milestone’ for me.
Kent lists Calcarea phos in ‘wildness’ amongst other drugs.
Sulphur definitely came very close, being the great ragged philosopher.
But he spoke more than he could analyze or think. He wanted to sound learned, but lack the capacity to really analyze in detail like Sulphur.
Tuberculinum was another drug close on heel considering his susceptibility in childhood to all illnesses, his appearance, and attitude. But at the present state he was not in the pathogenesis of, or the ‘uncompensated’ state of Tuberculinum. In short he did not ‘need’ Tuberculinum as the pathology did not match now.

The miasm was psora and tubercular, and the jigsaw puzzle fitted most closely into Calcarea Phos.
So Calcarea Phos 1CM one single dose was given on 8th November 2004.
He came 15 days later, looking calmer, more ‘tame’.
“I can now see clearly with both my eyes, even in dim light” he said. And worth mentioning here is that he didn’t split my hair with his incessant talk!
Placebo was given for a fortnight.
Orbital sonography was repeated as promised 1 month later. The report was:
Significant improvement in chorio-retinal swelling, with regression of floating bands seen in posterior vitreous chamber.

In this case we have considered the evolution of the pathology from his childhood, as early as he can remember, or we can gather, and have formed a timeline to understand his present state in order to prescribe as accurately as possible.

Cheers to Homoeopathy the absolutely amazing healing art!

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