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Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai's Profile
Special Message:
By the grace of God Dhanavantary, Electro Tridosha Graphy (ETG) technology came in existence in Ayurveda and Homoeopathy world. Based on the findings of the ETG report which helps and ensures treatment line of Ayurveda, as well as for Homoeopathy, Unani along with Yoga and Siddha Therapies. Exact without deviation and foolproof. ETG Ayurvedascan eases the way of treatment and diagnosis of the diseases, which any Physician can never think so far.
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Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai
Male, 79 Years from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Practice Details:
Developed Ayurvedic & Homoeopathy Cardiology, Autonomic Nervous system diseases, Psychopathological diseases and in General medicine
Years of Practice:Over 48 years
Location:Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Zip Code:208001
Birth Place:Karanaipur, Distt: UNNAO, UP,
Year of Birth:1945
Age:79 Years
Marital Status:Married
Number of Children:4
Languages Known:
English (UK), Punjabi, Hindi
Hobbies & Interests:
Music, Reading Literature, Dance, Acting
Website URL:,

Qualification & Degree
1 Certificate of Participation in AYUSH seminar held at Chitrakoot, UP in November 15, 2008, where I read my research paper on Electro TRidosha Graphy ETG Technology, 2008
2 Ayurvedacharya, M.D., Ph.D., Dvivedi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Ayurved University, 1968
Contact Details
Clinic Name:
Kanak Polytherapy Clinic and Research Center
67/70, Bhoosatoli Road, Bartan Bazaar, KANPUR, U.P.
Days Available:
Six days a week, Sunday closed.
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Contact Number(s):
Affiliations With Associations
AYUSH Medical Associaton
Affiliations With Hospitals
[1] Director & Chief ETG Investigator, @ Kanak Polytherapy Clinic & Research Center, Kanpur, U.P.
Facilities Available
Ayurvedic whole body electrical scan system i.e. ETG AYURVEDASCAN is available to diagnose the disease and provide Comprehensive combination treatment by (AYUSH) i.e.
Ayurveda + Yoga + Unani + Siddha + Homoeopathic medicines.
Clinical Interests
Provide DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT BASED ON ETG AYURVEDASCAN TECHNOLOGY BY combination therapy for all sorts of Chronic disease conditions or any kind of incurable disease conditions.
Achievements & Awards
Invented Electro Tridosha Graphy ETG technology for diagnosis of diseases and Ayurvedic fundamantals / invented Electro Homoeo Graphy EHG Technology for diagnosis of Homoeopathic Fundamentals, Homoepathic remedies, selection of medicine, selection of potency at a time.
Other Details
We do not give any medicines. We will give prescriptions only.
Consultancy Fees:Plz. contact on mobile no. 8604629190
Revisit Charges:Plz. contact on mobile no. 8604629190
Average Visitors Per Day:15

Mr. wazir singh
Mr. Wazir Singh - 27 Apr 2010
Sir,I appreciate and congratulate u to the invention of ETG for diagnosis of patients. I need ur help in my research , my research topic is \"Tridosha prakriti and sports performance among the players of different games.\" if there is any research work done already in this field kindly send me review of that work.
Dr. Swastik Suresh
Dr. Swastik Suresh - 18 May 2009
Sir ,
I appreciate and congratulate you to the invention of ETG for diagnosis of patients.

Friday, 6th March 2009
AYUR SCAN : Ayurvedic Whole Body Scan ELECTRO - TRIDOSHA - GRAPH / GRAM (E.T.G.) The Ultimate Ayurvedic Diagnosis Solution Invented and Developed by: - Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai KUNMUN EL... Read More
Follow Me
Sunday, 21st February 2010
AyurScan Electro Tridosha Graphy Technology has been examined vigourously by the following reputed institutions; 1- National Innovation Foundation N.I.F. , Ahamdabad, Gujarat has been examined this t... Read More
Sunday, 7th June 2009
There is great controversy in modern time that Ayurveda have no mention of Bacteriology as it is talks in the sense of Modern western medicine. In the main page of the Ayurveda questions have been r... Read More
Tuesday, 10th March 2009
Yah aushadhi Ayurved ke shashtriy grantho me varnit ki gayi hai. Is aushadhi ke bare mein kahaa gaya hai ki isake upayog se sabhi prakaar ke yakrat sambandhit rogon me, [diseases related to Liver and ... Read More
Dr. Nitin Shakya
Dr. Swastik Jain
Dr. Vyasaraja Tantry A
Dr. Eknath Kulkarni
Mr. D. D. Aggarwal
Mr. Dammu Bagadia

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English ETG Technology
Electro Homoeo Graphy EHG Technology
Hindi Dhanavantary
Use of ETG
