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Mr. Sanjay Nehe's Profile

Why do things happen differently? Why do people behave differently? Why everything appears to go on without any reference to our like or dislike? Is this not frustrating?

We often feel helpless because of the inevitability of the life we have to go through! The physical, instinctual, emotional and intellectual problems are often followed by solutions! These solutions are indeed increasingly holistic! But they are still not completely satisfactory in view of not getting anticipated results! As a result we feel lowly, helpless and miserable!

It is frustrating, if we do not realize the fact that; NAMA is in everyone’s heart - core! It writes the script! For every being in the universe; there is a script; contingent in NAMA! This timed unfolding and unraveling of the script is GURUKRUPA! Since my Guru Shri Brahmachaitanya Maharaj Gondavalekar knew and always maintained that his immortal self; is inseparable from NAMA; we can call this NAMAKRUPA also!

In fact; there is a script for everything including houses, villages, provinces and nations! NAMAKRUPA manifests in the form of NAMASMARAN according to the specific script in all these!

The realization that; our assumption of having “done" things was also a script contingent in the NAMA; begins to set us free! We begin to gradually identify ourselves with the bliss; and the restlessness, anxiety, worry, tension and the harrowing burden of “our own selves”; begin to disappear! This also happens as per the script!

How does this happen?

NAMA extends its bounty in the form of the process of NAMASMARAN – the panacea; and we begin to get absorbed in NAMA; through the practice of NAMASMARAN! The global benevolence begins to manifest subsequently.
This process is the fulfilling culmination of all our aspirations known and unknown; and identified and unidentified!

This victory (VIJAY) of innate, warm and rejuvenating reassurance is flowing from NAMA!

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When I get up in the morning, the stiffness of the body and the debility of mind make me miserable. I yearn for being pampered by physical care and mental props!

Interestingly; in spite of my indolence; someone pulls me out of it and connects me with NAMA! Who is He? He is the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent ocean of bliss deep within i.e. my Guru i.e. NAMA itself!

Remembrance of NAMA, though not easy and spontaneous; connects me to the reservoir of the eternal energy! I realize that expectation of physical care or pep talk; for my petty self is not truly remedial. It is temporary and superficial. Such measures can actually make me weaker and dependent.

Thus; my being associated with this empowering remembrance of NAMA; is not my victory; but it is the grace and victory (VIJAY) of NAMA itself!

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When I am confined to body, instincts, feelings and thoughts; related to friends, relatives; status, institution, organization, party, country etc; it is a realm of individual, personal or subjective state! In this state I have urge not only to survive but to do everything possible to flourish, to be powerful and to dominate others!

In this state I go through the cycles of excitation and depression. But irrespective of the grandeur or ugliness of the success or failure respectively; I always remain weak and unsatisfied. I am always plagued by fear, anxiety, worry, anger, grief, guilt, elation and so on!

I remain; a mortal, ordinary, subjective and hence fallible creature; in obliviousness to NAMA, which is the deepest ocean of bliss inside, but not confined by my body and mind. It is infinite and spread beyond my body, instincts, feelings and thoughts; related to my status, friends, relatives and my institution, organization, party, country etc! NAMA is beyond the realm of individual, personal or subjective state! It is truly all powerful, universal and unifying.

Being associated (even if it is through a weak link initially) with this omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent bliss viz. NAMA; is the grace and victory (VIJAY) of Guru, who is not different from NAMA!

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As we go on evolving; we begin to appreciate that a doctor’s prescription has to be HOLISTIC. It has to be aimed at healing an individual as well as a society; because; the health of an individual affects the health of a society; and the health of a society in turn; affects the health of an individual.

But this is not all!

The prescription can be holistic only if, it ensures complete and permanent health!

What is this complete and permanent health?

The complete and permanent health is actually an experience of ever effulgent benevolent bliss and vitalizing vitality! In other words; this is a state where there is no trace of pain, fear, worry, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, indolence, apathy, indifference, agitation, jealousy, hatred, viciousness, anguish, vindictiveness, revengefulness, selfishness, meekness, possessiveness and so on!

Hence ideally; the prescription should include all the guidelines about the preventive, curative and rehabilitative measures; applicable to; an individual’s health and also to; the health of a society. Thus the instructions should include all the international, national, regional and local policies, plans and programs; in every field of life!

This is especially essential as; the patient may be a lay person; medical student, a medical teacher, a practicing doctor, a paramedic. He or she may be even a policy maker, a leader or a health minister. He or she may be a scientist, a philosopher, a writer, an artist, whose thoughts, feelings, instincts and behavior influence; directly or indirectly; the international, national, regional and local policies, plans and programs in education, agriculture, industry, health care. All these are crucial determinants of the health of the society. The health of the society in turn; influences the health of an individual!
However; if we aim to include all such details in a prescription, then it would be impractical. A doctor is usually not trained in holistic health, holistic medicine and holistic medical practice. Moreover; even if a doctor is very well trained; and can include all such details, it would be extremely time consuming and the prescription would too huge!

In such a situation; how can we make a prescription holistic without having to train the doctors in holistic medicine? How can we make a prescription holistic, without having to write all the details? How can we make a prescription without spending excessive time? How can we make prescription holistic without making the prescription clumsily big and difficult for the patient; to read, understand and comply with?

The answer to this question is; to add an essential core to every prescription!

What kind of essential core?

The essential core should be such that it would add the holistic essence and make the prescription a holistic one! The criteria of such an essential core are;

1. It should nurture and evolve all the levels of consciousness.
2. It should be safe.
3. It should be noninvasive.
4. It should not involve technicality.
5. It should not involve skills e.g. singing.
6. It should not involve intellectual labor.
7. It should not involve learning a new language.
8. It should be inexpensive for the participants.
9. It should be acceptable to all cultures.
10. It should require minimum of classroom training
11. It should not interfere with daily routine.
12. It should be easy for compliance.
13. It should be accessible even to the individuals with handicaps such as physical, visual, auditory, vocal and so on.
The essential core of a holistic prescription that fulfills all the above criteria and is practiced across the cultures for millennia; is called NAMASMARAN, the synonyms of which are JIKRA, SUMIRAN, SIMARAN, JAP and JAAP.
The concept of NAMASMARAN actually involves remembering the true self; as NAMA actually implies the true self. Remembering the NAMA is actually trying to reorient and reunite with one’s true self; because; this true self is usually inaccessible to one’s thinking, feeling and sensing!
This true self or innate core of an individual is traditionally referred to; as God or omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent eternal truth.
From physiological point of view; NAMASMARAN involves:
1. Gradual central anchorage, control, regulation, progress, evolution and sublimation of the belligerent infatuations, whims, fancies, ideas, thoughts, feelings and instincts.
2. NAMASMARAN heals us by rectifying our physical needs, passions, feelings, motivations, thoughts; and vision (perspective) and behavior.
3. This is characterized by victory of over the dualities of thoughts, emotions and passions. But it does not stop here. There is triumphant ascent through the opposing nervous activities (e.g. sympathetic and parasympathetic), opposite thoughts, antagonistic emotions, conflicting passions; contra posed motivations and even the duality of anabolism and catabolism!
4. Later the NAMASMARAN is associated with the realization of being one, with the immortal and true self.
5. This is a difficult to conceive; as we are entrained to believe our beginning and end; in the end of our body. Moreover; the fact that we are immortal; is only experienced by only few; and we have no experience of it. Hence not only world consensus; but even the world literature in general; including scientific; does not uphold the idea of immortality.
6. Lastly; this is a protracted journey, but the most appropriate one! Moreover; while the other components of a prescription ensure prevention, cure and rehabilitation in concrete manner; NAMASMARN ensures immortality! It is not concrete. It is not tangible. It is abstract! But what can be a more successful culmination than the state of immortality; of preventing, preempting or treating any disease?
7. NAMASMARAN is traditionally practiced for millennia and is centered on this state of immortality called Sat (True, Eternal) Chit (Vital, Living) Anand (Bliss); and normalizes the responses to internal and external stressors as one of the many byproducts. Hence it is safe as well as sure. It would prove to be central and crucial to a prescription; in preventing, preempting, or treating hundreds of other diseases and ailments; in terms of not either annihilating them, or overpowering and conquering; and thus getting freed from their sinister spell!

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