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Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine developed by samuel hahnemann, a german physician in the early 1800s. He discovered that the same substance that could cause a reaction in a healthy person could also be a remedy for someone suffering from similar symptoms.

That is the basic premise of homeopathy: like cures like. it may seem hard to believe, yet the approach to vaccination used in western medicine is a similar one, albeit one that is fraught with potential side effects, unlike homeopathy which is completely safe.

Homeopathy is a natural, holistic, approach to healing a person, using minute doses of specific remedies, rather than simply eliminating a particular symptom using a band-aid approach. Unlike many health models, the model for homeopathy is one of individualization. No two people are alike, so just because two people suffer from headaches, the homeopathic remedies provided for them may be completely different.

There are many benefits of homeopathic medicine, including:

1. It can be used by pregnant and nursing women;

2. It can be used by children and infants;

3. It does not interfere with medications taken by a person;

4. If an incorrect remedy is selected, it is completely safe and will not harm the person at all;

5. Other than occasional, mild, and short-lived symptom aggravations which pass quickly and tend to be followed by improvements in the symptoms of a person, there are no side-effects of homeopathic remedies. This symptom aggravation is actually regarded by homeopaths as a sign that the correct homeopathic remedy has been selected and usually results in symptom improvements;

6. It can be used for chronic or acute conditions;

7. It is an individualized system of medicine which treats the person, not merely the symptoms. The symptoms, however, are addressed when using this approach and are typically improved;

8. Homeopathy is a holistic approach to healing: one that involves the body, mind, emotions, and spirit of the person being treated;

9. Homeopathic remedies are readily available and can, therefore, be used by anyone;

10. Homeopathic remedies are typically inexpensive and therefore provide an affordable approach to healing;

11. Homeopathic remedies can be stored for long periods of time;

12. Homeopathic medicine is non-invasive; and

13. There are many studies proving the effectiveness of homeopathy, when used correctly.
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