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Dr. Jatin Ashar's Profile
Treatment For Corneal Dystrophies in Ghatkopar - Mumbaieyecare
Corneal Dystrophy

Corneal distrophies are a group of rare and genetic diseases affecting the cornea. It runs in a families and may be present asymptomatic. They affect both the eyes and other parts of the families are not involved. Main cause of corneal dystrophies is foreign material build up in the cornea and that results in clouding of cornea and visual impairment.

The cornea is made up of five distinct layers:
The Epithelium - the outermost, protective layer of the cornea.
The Bowman's membrane - this second layer is extremely tough and difficult to penetrate further protecting the eye
The Stroma - the thickest layer of the cornea, consisting of water, collagen fibers and other connective tissue components that give the cornea its strength, elasticity and clarity.
Descemet's Layer - a thin, strong inner layer that also acts as a protective layer.
The Endothelium - the innermost layer consisting of specialized cells that pump excess water out of the cornea
Types of corneal dystrophies:
There are 20 different types of corneal distrophies but are groped in 3 main categories:

Anterior or superficial corneal dystrophies. These affect the outermost layers of the cornea: the epithelium and Bowman’s membrane.
Stromal corneal dystrophies affect the stroma, which is the middle and thickest layer of the cornea.
Posterior corneal dystrophies affect the innermost parts of the cornea: the endothelium and the Descemet membrane. The most common posterior corneal dystrophy is Fuchs’ dystrophy.
Symptoms of Corneal distrophies:
Symptoms like watery eyes, dry eyes, corneal erosions, Blurry vision, halos around light, light sensitivity and difficulty in seeing at night often overlaps with diseases like glaucoma and cataract. Two differentiating symptoms are pain and a feeling of something in the eye occurs in the corneal distrophies. As the condition worsens vision becomes poor and irregularities in the cornea may lead to fluctuating vision.

Who is at risk for corneal dystropies?
People having family history of the disease are at more risk than others. Corneal dystrophies can appear at any age. Men and women are equally affected by most corneal dystrophies, except for Fuchs’ dystrophy. Fuchs’ affects women more frequently than men.

What are my treatment choices?
Treatment for corneal dystrophies may vary from eye drops to corneal transplant and depends on:

The type of dystrophy
The severity of symptoms
In few cases, people with corneal dystrophy may have repeated corneal erosion. This condition may be treated with antibiotics, lubricating eye drops, ointments, or special soft contact lenses that protect the cornea. If erosion continues, other treatment options may include the use of laser therapy or a technique for scraping the cornea.

In severe cases, a corneal transplant (called keratoplasty) may be necessary. The damaged or unhealthy corneal tissue is removed and clear donor cornea tissue is put in its place. For endothelial dystrophies, such as Fuchs’ dystrophy, a partial cornea transplant (or endothelial keratoplasty) is used.

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Cataract Surgery in Ghatkopar, Cataract Treatment in Ghatkopar - Mumbaieyecare
Cataract Surgery In Ghatkopar
Cataract surgery is replacing the faulty lens with an artificial lens. It’s a common and safe procedure done by ophthalmologist when you are having cloudy vision. Decision to undergo cataract surgery depends on the level of difficulty; a patient is facing on daily routine activities.

What is Cataract?
Cataract is progressive in nature and develops with time you grow older. Cataract affects most of people and becomes prominent with age. It can be described as blurry, cloudy or opaque vision. Natural eye lens focuses light on the retina to form clear and undistorted image. Clouding of this lens results in blurred and distorted image. It commonly affects both eyes but in few cases one eye cataract might advances rapidly. If not treated on time, may result is complete loss of sight.

Causes of Cataract
Cataract can be seen in children as a hereditary defect, while eye trauma, smoking, diabetes, excessive use of alcohol, prolonged exposure of sunlight or ultraviolet rays, extended use of corticosteroids are few causes of cataract occurring in elderly people.

Eye Examination
Cataracts can be diagnosed with simple eye exam. The eye exam contains a vision test and an examination of your eyes using a slit lamp microscope. The pupils are dilated with special eye drops to provide a better view of the back of the eye, where the retina and optic nerve are located.

Symptoms of cataract
Ask yourself few questions

Do you feel difficulty in seeing at night?

Is reading or watching television becoming difficult for you?

Driving at night or seeing in bright light has become difficult?

Do you need assistance for finding ways while walking, cooking, shopping or daily activities of your visi

Are you opting for alternate ways to substitute your vision problems?

Glare or sensitivity to light is another symptom of cataract. Diplopia or double vision is also seen in cataract patients. It also affects color vision, leading to yellowish or brownish tint to your eyesight. Patients often need frequent changes in their eyeglasses.

Cataract Treatment in Ghatkopar
Cataract develops as a result of thickened eye lens and treatment is to replace faulty lens with a new lens. Cataract removal is a routine treatment procedure at opthalomogist clinic and carried out across the globe with rarely any accompanying complications.

To prepare you for surgery, your doctor calls you for eye checkup (a week before), to choose which eye lens is best for you.

On the day of surgery, it’s recommended not to eat for 12 hours before surgery.

Bladeless Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery at Mumbai Eye Care, Ghatkopar, is performed using the latest robotic technology which is completely bladeless and with ultrafine precision using the FEMTOSECOND LENSX LASER, ALCON, USA. This is an US FDA approved laser cataract surgery performed by our eye doctors and eye surgeon at Ghatkopar, Mumbai. This ensures complete blade free surgery, with high level of precision and excellent visual results. This technology makes the surgery very safe and reduces the chances of any complications to negligible.

How the Femtosecond Laser Works
Femtosecond laser performs most of the steps of cataract surgery that are otherwise performed using hand, thus decreasing the chances of human error and improves the precision.

Femtosecond LASER makes the cuts or incision on the cornea that were traditionally performed using blade. These incision are perfectly self sealing and thus do not need any sutures and heal rapidly.

The capsulorrhexis can be altered in terms of size and one can get a perfectly centered capsulorrhexis thus ensuring perfect IOL or lens positioning and better outcomes in cases of premium IOLs such as toric IOL and Multifocal IOL.

Benefits of Femtosecond/ Robotic/ Bladeless/ Bladefree cataract surgery at Mumbai Eye Care, Ghatkopar.

Most Advanced technology available today
A Complete Blade Free Procedure
Laser precise predictable outcomes
Enhanced Safety
Customized Procedure

Phacoemulsification: It is a simple procedure of less than 1 hour duration. Local anesthesia or sedation makes it painless for the patient. A tiny incision is made in front of eye with laser and inserts a pen-shaped probe to break the cloudy lens into pieces. This process is phacoemulsification. Suction then removes the pieces and surgeon places an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). Lens can be made of plastic, silicone or acrylic. There are varieties of lens available for implantation as per the patient requirements like Monofocal, Toric and Multifocal intraocular lenses.

Itracapsular cataract surgery: Its rare nowadays, this technique needs larger incision and along with cataract surrounding capsule is also removed. Intraocular lens is placed in front of iris in this procedure.

Usually it is a complication free procedure, but it is recommended to be in contact with your surgeon after the surgery. Initially, an eye drop is given to reduce inflammation and prevent infection. You will need frequent visits to the doctor to monitor any complications. Cataract removal procedure doesn’t need night stay, as it’s a small daycare surgery. Most people observe an improvement in their visual function within few days of the surgery, enabling them to restart most of their daily activities including work.

Majority of people regain full activity after a few days of getting the procedure. Your doctor might fit you with a pair of glasses (if needed) once your vision is stabilized. This also depends upon the type of intraocular lens implanted in your eye.

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Eye Specialist in Ghatkopar East and West - Mumbaieyecare
Eye Specialist In Ghatkopar East and West - Dr. Jatin Ashar

Soft-spoken, compassionate and an intellectual man, Dr. Ashar trained at the prestigious ‘All India Institute of Medical Sciences’, New Delhi; one of Asia’s best! After his post-graduation, he completed his fellowship in Cornea and Anterior Segment from the world renowned L. V. Prasad Eye Institute. Later on, he was appointed as the main cornea consultant at the ‘New Tertiary Care Center’ at the same institute.

Specialties: Cataract, Cornea, Lasik and Refractive Surgery Specialist

Remarkable sensitivity to patients' needs and providing the warmth of compassionate healing makes us stand apart. Technology is mandatory for high standards of care and Mumbai Eye Care understands that. We use only the latest technology and best in the class equipment throughout the hospital.

His areas of expertise are Lamellar Keratoplasty, Pediatric Keratoplasties and Laser LASIK Surgery. He has gifted sight to many who could not see due to corneal pathologies by performing Corneal Transplantation.

His knowledge and proficiency has positioned MEC amongst the ‘Best Eye Care Centres’ providing quality eye care with new technology, latest surgical techniques and most advanced machines catering to variety of eye diseases under one roof.

Areas of expertise:
Dr. Jatin is one of the best eye doctors & eye surgeons in Ghatkopar, Mumbai area. He has expertise in performing complex cataract surgeries and also in phacoemulsification and bladeless cataract surgeries.

He has a vast experience in using multifocal lenses such as trifocal and bifocal lenses and also performed cataract surgeries in children at Mumbai eye care hospital in Ghatkopar.

Dr. Jatin specializes in cornea transplant surgeries and he has performed a very high number of cornea surgeries such as full-thickness cornea surgery or penetrating keratoplasty, layer by layer cornea transplants such as Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) and the latest type of cornea surgery that is sutureless cornea transplant or Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) and launched state of the art eye clinic for cornea surgeries in Ghatkopar.

He also trains other doctors from India and abroad in performing cornea transplant surgeries and also has a very high success rate of cornea transplant surgery.

Dr. Jatis is a medical director of an eye bank at Thane and an eye clinic at Ghatkopar and he is among the top cornea eye surgeon doctors in India.

Dr. Jatin performed many laser vision correction surgeries for spectacle/ glass number removal such as LASIK, LASEK, PRK, PTK, SMILE and also launched a state of the art eye hospital for LASIK in Ghatkopar. His patients say that he is among the best eye doctor for LASIK.

For patients who cannot undergo LASIK, he also is an expert at performing ICL, IPCL surgery.

Awards and Achievements:
Dr. Ashar has many feathers in his cap; to list a few –

Youngest Indian surgeon to be invited at the ‘American Academy of Ophthalmology’
Credited with numerous awards, invited faculty at most conferences
Publications in international journals and conferences,
Performed numerous complex cataract surgeries,
Execute corneal transplants even in infants as young as 1 month old,
Carry-Out many refractive surgeries such as LASIK, PRK, and ICL,
Among top few surgeons trained in performing ‘Lamellar Keratoplasties’,
Received ‘Achievement Award’ from American Academy of Ophthalmology,
‘International Ophthalmologists Education Award’ from American Academy of Ophthalmology

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