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Dr. Parshant Aggarwal's Profile
Special Message:
Rheumatology & Immunology is a superspecialty of medicine that deals with arthritis, certain autoimmune disorders, musculoskeletal pain syndromes and immunodeficiency disorders including AIDS.
Rheumatological & Immunological diseases are a major cause of morbidity & mortality in the community, affecting all age groups. These disorders are the leading cause of disability in the developed countries like UK. Some disorders like Osteoarthritis affect more than 70% of population beyond the age of 65 years. Back pain affects 40% of the population at any time of the life.
These disorders can present with various manifestations like
Joint pains, swelling, limitation, deformities
Prolonged fever
Raynaud�s (blue discoloration of fingers, toes on exposure to cold, water)
Skin rash
Recurrent oral, genital ulcers
Recurrent unexplained pregnancy loss
Skin thickening
Proximal muscle weakness
Dry eyes, dry mouth
Multisystem involvement
Non healing ulcers
Mononeuritis multiplex
Recurrent infections
Weight loss etc.
Many of these disorders can be managed with simple & inexpensive treatment modalities now available. However owing to the dearth of qulaified Rheumatologists and the prevalent misconceptions majority of patients suffering from arthritis and various other rheumatic disorders fail to get adequate healthcare despite the significant recent advances in management of these illnesses. Contrary to what is believed arthritic illnesses consist of much more than pain and hence optimal management focuses not only on pain relief but also the pathophysiology of the disorder. The treatment of these disorders goes beyond simple pain killers and incorporates various disease modifying therapies. With the recent advances in healthcare chronic arthritis illnesses are very well treatable like other chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension. With the currently available treatment modalities most of the patients are able to maintain an active, independent near normal lifestyle. Prompt diagnosis and management is crucial for optimal outcome.
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Dr. Parshant Aggarwal
Male, 51 Years from Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Practice Details:
Consultant Rheumatologist & Immunologist
Years of Practice:Since 2006 January
Location:Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Zip Code:141001
Birth Place:Punjab
Year of Birth:1973
Age:51 Years
Marital Status:Married
Spouse's Name:Dr Bharti Aggarwal
Spouse's Occupation:Working
Spouse's Age:48 Years
Number of Children:2
Languages Known:
English (UK), Hindi, Punjabi
Hobbies & Interests:

Qualification & Degree
1 DM (Clinical Immunology), Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, 2005
2 MD (Internal Medicine), Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot, 2001
Contact Details
Clinic Name:
Punjab Rheumatology & Immunology Clinic
96 B, Rajguru Nagar
Ludhiana (Punjab)
Days Available:
DailyConsultation by appointment
Weekdays 9 am to 5.00 pm, Sunday 9 am to 3 pm
Contact Number(s):
Affiliations With Associations
Indian Rheumatology Association
Association of Physicians of India
Affiliations With Hospitals
Punjab Rheumatology Clinic, 96 B, Rajguru Nagar, Ludhiana
Facilities Available
Specialize in providing comprehensive consultative & continuing state of the art care to patients suffering from arthritis, systemic autoimmune disorders and immunodeficiency diseases.
Admission and OPD facilities available.
Facilities for various Rheumatological procedures including arthrocentesis and musculoskeletal injection techniques also available.
Clinical Interests
1. Musculoskeletal and joint disorders
2. Arthritis (e.g. Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Gout etc.)
3. Chronic pain syndromes (e.g. Fibromyalgia)
4. Systemic autoimmune & connective tissue diseases (e.g. Lupus- SLE, Myositis, Sjogrens syndrome, vasculitis, scleroderma, sarcoidosis etc.) often presenting as multisystem involvement, PUO & rash
5. Immune mediated haematologic diseases (e.g. immune thrombocytopenia, anemia etc.)
6. Immunodeficiency disorders including primary immunodeficiency syndromes, AIDS etc.
Achievements & Awards
Master Mind Quiz winner 1989
Bharat Vikas Parishad award 1989
Delhi Rheumatology Aassociation young investigator Award 2004
Japan College of Rheumatology International Fellowship 2005
IndoUK Rheumatology Fellowship 2006
Other Details
Emergency Number(s):0161 3230943, +91 9814267774

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Wednesday, 12th January 2011
Arthritis is a broad term applied to any kind of joint disease. There are more than 100 disorders that can cause arthritis and hence arthritis should be considered a symptom rather than a diagnosis. S... Read More
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