World's first medical networking and resource portal

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General Questions
What is IndiaHeartBeat.Com all about? What is your organization's objective?

IndiaHeartBeat.Com is one amongst the few websites in the world to offer healthcare on Web 2.0. The channel has been thoughtfully developed to succor the users through means of medical search, medical networking and electronic medical record management. Deemed to be the first online medical community for all medical individuals and groups, we at �India HeartBeat� are committed to help people make better decisions regarding their health.
How can doctors benefit from this site?

Doctors can communicate with other professionals through the �India HeartBeat� community, write and view medical articles, check symptoms online, and better understand patient�s case history. In addition, doctors can build their own network of colleagues, professionals and trusted people, provide online consultation & even foster their own knowledge and experience through quality discussions and communication. Lastly, the patient�s can fix up appointments with the selected medical facilitator online and can even put up their queries of a miniscule nature thereby avoiding the need to visit the clinician�s office personally.
How can hospitals benefit from this site?

Hospitals can exhibit & disseminate information relevant to their services, functioning and various other attributes such as departmentation structure, room facilities, tariff structure, facility layout etc. Further they can even process and deliver medical reports online for improved client servicing & can solicit service requests, enquiries, career applications & direct feedback from other members and users.
How can labs benefit from this site?

Labs can post and upload information pertaining to the services and facilities available, test-price chart & process and deliver medical reports online saving a lot of time, money and efforts. In addition they can solicit service requests, enquiries, career applications & direct feedback from other members and users which in turn is vital for their effective functioning.
How pharmacies, blood banks, emergency service providers and other institutions benefit from this site?

Pharmacies, blood banks, emergency service providers and other institutions can put up their contact details and other useful information online for public perusal and look-up, similar to a newspaper classified. At the time of searching, the user can always review the uploaded information & get in touch with the desired service provider directly through telephonic communication.
What other medical professionals may find this site useful?

A number of medical professionals � including consultants, allied healthcare professionals such as physiotherapists, dieticians, research analysts, nurses, practitioners, and interns � can use this site for medical evaluation and fostering personal expertise, in addition to the general community atmosphere.
How can patients benefit from this site?

Patients can obtain medical articles relevant to their symptoms and medical condition, communicate with established medical professionals, and can even exchange information with other patients through direct networking. In addition, they can even post their entire medical record, treatment history, and other relevant information online for instantaneous reference by qualified medical professionals.
Is this site limited to health professionals and patients only?

No, the website is not limited to healthcare professionals and patients only; instead it is intended for the general audience. Anyone who is interested in availing medical information or services is welcome to subscribe.
What type of web browser should I have to best use this website?

The website is compatible with most modern browsers, including the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Opera and Safari.
Must I be a certain age to use this website?

You must be 18 years or older to use the website. If you are under 18, you can be represented through a legal guardian or any trusted, adult registrant.
Is 'India HeartBeat' a reputable source for professional medical assistance?

The content under any circumstance should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking medical help because of something you have read on this website. Please read through our disclaimer carefully before making use of the website.
What is 'Intensive Care Unit'?

'Intensive Care Unit' is an online application purposefully developed to enhance and improvise patient care. If you wish to share your medical record with numerous professionals across the fraternity to solicit a timely and adequate response, then you can simply punch-in your patient code, fill in the required details and wait for the responses to flow into your mailbox.
What is 'Patient Information Center'?

The 'Patient Information Center' provides a summary of health information pertinent to a registered individual, including medication history, health graphs, insurance information, immunization details, surgical information and medical conditions besides basic details like phone number, gender, age, location etc. For ensuring security of medical records at all times, the same information has been locked up by the corresponding user�s email address. Until the user explicitly agrees to share his / her information with a certain expert or other user, no information shall be transmitted over the network.
What is 'Lab Report Search'?

The 'Lab Report Search' feature allows registered and even unregistered users to retrieve their diagnostic reports online, duly submitted and uploaded by the concerned diagnostic centers and service providers. Each such report is typically locked up by the applicant�s contact number and the report ID assigned by the medical center. By specifying the aforesaid information accurately within the �Lab Report Search� application, the user may be able to access his / her medical report instantly.
What is the 'Drug Center'?

The 'Drug Center' is a tool which allows users and surfers to locate information pertaining to a particular drug or a class of drugs such as its generic name, brand name, composition, indications, precautions, market price etc.
Is there a way for patients to check symptoms and obtain diagnoses?

'India HeartBeat' community offers a robust & gender-specific symptom checker. Although �India HeartBeat� serves to be a verbose resource for medical information and self-diagnosis, we do not provide medical treatment or advice. Always consult your clinical practitioner for medical advice; never rely solely upon any information observed on this website. Our symptom checker shall only guide you with certain tips and hints & the same should not be taken as a substitute for professional advice or medical help under any circumstance.
How can I be sure the site's articles are reputable?

The articles are directly published by the doctors and we hold no guarantee regarding its authenticity, validity or application of specified procedures. Always seek the advice of a trusted medical professional in case of any clarifications needed and do not blindly rely on any piece of information which you have read on the website.