General Questions
What is IndiaHeartBeat.Com all about? What is your organization's objective?
IndiaHeartBeat.Com is one amongst the few websites in the world to offer healthcare on Web 2.0. The channel has been thoughtfully developed to succor the users through means of medical search, medical networking and electronic medical record management. Deemed to be the first online medical community for all medical individuals and groups, we at �India HeartBeat� are committed to help people make better decisions regarding their health.
How can doctors benefit from this site?
Doctors can communicate with other professionals through the �India HeartBeat� community, write and view medical articles, check symptoms online, and better understand patient�s case history. In addition, doctors can build their own network of colleagues, professionals and trusted people, provide online consultation & even foster their own knowledge and experience through quality discussions and communication. Lastly, the patient�s can fix up appointments with the selected medical facilitator online and can even put up their queries of a miniscule nature thereby avoiding the need to visit the clinician�s office personally.
How can hospitals benefit from this site?
Hospitals can exhibit & disseminate information relevant to their services, functioning and various other attributes such as departmentation structure, room facilities, tariff structure, facility layout etc. Further they can even process and deliver medical reports online for improved client servicing & can solicit service requests, enquiries, career applications & direct feedback from other members and users.
How can labs benefit from this site?
Labs can post and upload information pertaining to the services and facilities available, test-price chart & process and deliver medical reports online saving a lot of time, money and efforts. In addition they can solicit service requests, enquiries, career applications & direct feedback from other members and users which in turn is vital for their effective functioning.
How pharmacies, blood banks, emergency service providers and other institutions benefit from this site?
Pharmacies, blood banks, emergency service providers and other institutions can put up their contact details and other useful information online for public perusal and look-up, similar to a newspaper classified. At the time of searching, the user can always review the uploaded information & get in touch with the desired service provider directly through telephonic communication.
What other medical professionals may find this site useful?
A number of medical professionals � including consultants, allied healthcare professionals such as physiotherapists, dieticians, research analysts, nurses, practitioners, and interns � can use this site for medical evaluation and fostering personal expertise, in addition to the general community atmosphere.
How can patients benefit from this site?
Patients can obtain medical articles relevant to their symptoms and medical condition, communicate with established medical professionals, and can even exchange information with other patients through direct networking. In addition, they can even post their entire medical record, treatment history, and other relevant information online for instantaneous reference by qualified medical professionals.
Is this site limited to health professionals and patients only?
No, the website is not limited to healthcare professionals and patients only; instead it is intended for the general audience. Anyone who is interested in availing medical information or services is welcome to subscribe.
What type of web browser should I have to best use this website?
The website is compatible with most modern browsers, including the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Opera and Safari.
Must I be a certain age to use this website?
You must be 18 years or older to use the website. If you are under 18, you can be represented through a legal guardian or any trusted, adult registrant.
Is 'India HeartBeat' a reputable source for professional medical assistance?
The content under any circumstance should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking medical help because of something you have read on this website. Please read through our disclaimer carefully before making use of the website.
What is 'Intensive Care Unit'?
'Intensive Care Unit' is an online application purposefully developed to enhance and improvise patient care. If you wish to share your medical record with numerous professionals across the fraternity to solicit a timely and adequate response, then you can simply punch-in your patient code, fill in the required details and wait for the responses to flow into your mailbox.
What is 'Patient Information Center'?
The 'Patient Information Center' provides a summary of health information pertinent to a registered individual, including medication history, health graphs, insurance information, immunization details, surgical information and medical conditions besides basic details like phone number, gender, age, location etc. For ensuring security of medical records at all times, the same information has been locked up by the corresponding user�s email address. Until the user explicitly agrees to share his / her information with a certain expert or other user, no information shall be transmitted over the network.
What is 'Lab Report Search'?
The 'Lab Report Search' feature allows registered and even unregistered users to retrieve their diagnostic reports online, duly submitted and uploaded by the concerned diagnostic centers and service providers. Each such report is typically locked up by the applicant�s contact number and the report ID assigned by the medical center. By specifying the aforesaid information accurately within the �Lab Report Search� application, the user may be able to access his / her medical report instantly.
What is the 'Drug Center'?
The 'Drug Center' is a tool which allows users and surfers to locate information pertaining to a particular drug or a class of drugs such as its generic name, brand name, composition, indications, precautions, market price etc.
Is there a way for patients to check symptoms and obtain diagnoses?
'India HeartBeat' community offers a robust & gender-specific symptom checker. Although �India HeartBeat� serves to be a verbose resource for medical information and self-diagnosis, we do not provide medical treatment or advice. Always consult your clinical practitioner for medical advice; never rely solely upon any information observed on this website. Our symptom checker shall only guide you with certain tips and hints & the same should not be taken as a substitute for professional advice or medical help under any circumstance.
How can I be sure the site's articles are reputable?
The articles are directly published by the doctors and we hold no guarantee regarding its authenticity, validity or application of specified procedures. Always seek the advice of a trusted medical professional in case of any clarifications needed and do not blindly rely on any piece of information which you have read on the website.
Registration & Profile Management
What is a user profile and how can one create a personalized profile?
Profile refers to the detailed information record of the prospective user which can be created for public perusal & to facilitate online accessibility. Simply click on �Subscribe�, select your category & fill up the details in the quick sign up form to register as a member. Once you do so, an account activation mail will be automatically sent to your email address. Post activation you may login to manage your own network and build a comprehensive profile comprising your basic, professional and personal details. The account console at �India HeartBeat� is a private control panel for individual members that controls site settings and is a myriad of core site features, from blogs, mails, general information to friends and bookmarks.
What kind of information can be stored in one�s profile?
A profile created on the �India HeartBeat� community can usually contain demographic content such as age, sex, location, contact numbers coupled with professional details which may include education information, office information, credentials, photographs, affiliations & other information that may be useful for other members. Specifically, patients have an added advantage of uploading their entire medical information online including their treatment history, health graphs, immunization details, allergic and surgical information, insurance details and other important information.
What are the cases in which registration to the website is required?
For posting content of any sort, registration to the website is mandatory. Also to participate in the network & make use of many core site functions such as blogging, emailing, chatting etc, registration is required. However, no registration is required for viewing any information published on the website.
What types of users can subscribe to the website? Does it require any fees?
'India HeartBeat' is intended to be a meeting platform for the medical world and the prospective users. The various types of entities supported on the channel may include general physicians, specialist doctors, allied healthcare professionals, hospitals, nursing homes, pathology & radiology centers, pharmacies, patients & various support groups such as medical institutes, blood banks, ambulance services, blood donors & eye banks. The registration to the website is absolutely free though a nominal fee may be applicable and duly specified under any particular subscription category.
How do I login and logout from IndiaHeartBeat.Com?
To login, either find a login box on the homepage or click on �My HeartBeat� to submit your username and password. Also a login link has been provided on the top of every page. Likewise if you wish to logout simply click on the �Logout� link located at the top of the page.
Can I create multiple profiles on the website?
'India HeartBeat' doesn�t allow multiple profiles and strictly warns each user regarding content abuse. Any sort of misconduct, dissemination of spurious information, content abuse or reverse engineering may lead to permanent banishment without notice.
Do I need to have an e-mail address for subscribing to the website?
Yes, all users must register with a valid email address. All important updates, alerts & newsletters will be emailed to the provided address. Also, password recovery information will be sent to the same address. However, users may provide an email address for site login and a separate email address for receiving information and updates.
The sign up form is a bit too lengthy. Do I need to fill in all details?
Yes, all registration fields included within the quick sign up form will require authentic information. All registrants must agree to the �Terms of Use�, as well.
Can I register on behalf of my friend or relative?
Generally no, though parents and legal guardians can register on behalf of the minors.
What if I am not sure of the exactness of any information required within my profile?
Try to submit authentic and genuine information at all times. However, if you are not sure about the exactness of any particular information, proceed with tentative, approximate or the most likely values.
Can I be permanently logged into my account to avoid logging in every time I visit the website?
Yes, you can be permanently logged into your account. Simply click on �Remember Password� once you decide to login and the cookie will allow automatic recall of information on your subsequent visit(s) to the website, thereby eliminating the need to submit your username and password every time you visit the website.
I am not happy with my profile ID allotted during registration? How can I change the same?
Profile ID's are automatically generated & randomly assigned. It cannot be altered under any circumstance.
How can I edit and rebuild my profile information?
Your profile is completely editable and can be modified at any time. Simply, log into your account, click on edit profile, make the desired changes and select update.
How can I change my email address after registering and creating my profile?
Scroll to �Settings� in your profile, you have been given the option to modify your email address.
I don't have a digital photograph but I do have a printed photograph. How can I attach a photo to my profile?
You can always seek the help of a cyber center located near your home / office to add photos to your profile. Alternatively, you can send across your printed photograph to our office address with your UIN specified on the same and we shall upload your photograph on your behalf in no time.
Can I post videos in my profile?
Yes, you can post videos to your profile after registering as a member. IndiaHeartBeat.Com allows sharing of videos via Youtube only, therefore you need to upload the
video on Youtube prior to publishing on IndiaHeartBeat.Com.
Search Engine & Networking
In what order are search results listed?
Search results are listed in order of relevance, based on your search criteria and are further ranked on the basis of profile completeness and frequency of online participation.
What is the scrapbook feature?
Scrapbook enables users to quickly transmit information on the community website in the form of short messages. For instance, when viewing a doctor's profile, a user can submit his / her concerns within the scrapbook.
For how long will my messages and scraps be stored on the website? How can I save my messages?
All users are requested to save their important messages and conversations to disk since all scraps and messages older than thirty days will be automatically removed from the server. The users can simply copy and paste the content in a document file on the local disk to create an offline backup.
How can I unsubscribe from the daily website alerts?
Log into your account & select �Settings�. At the bottom of the page, there is an option to unsubscribe from daily website alerts.
How can I conduct and refine my search?
Our search engines offer an advanced search feature which enables the user to refine searches to specific details. You can use various filters and options to assist and even redefine your search.
Where can I post my feedback or suggestions?
You can post your comments in the feedback section, located on the top navigation bar. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can even send an email to comprising your feedback.
As a member of the medical community, what are the networking features provided to me?
Once you log into your account post registering, you will see a plethora of tools which will help you in interacting with other members and expanding your network. As a member of the medical community you may:
- Exchange emails with peers, colleagues & other trusted users.
- Build your own network of relationships.
- Bookmark vital links for future reference.
- Publish medical reports online.
- Manage and retain public comments and testimonials.
- Exhibit & publicize comprehensive information.
- Participate in discussions forums and share your experiences.
- Preserve and maintain photographs online.
- Provide consultation & advice in real time.
- Solicit service requests, career applications and other queries online.
As a non-medical user, what are the networking features provided to me?
Once you log into your account post registering, you will see a plethora of tools which will help you in interacting with other members and expanding your network. As a member of the non-medical community you may:
- Exchange emails with peers, colleagues & other trusted users.
- Build your own network of relationships.
- Bookmark vital links for future reference.
- Store your entire health information online.
- Build & manage your health graphs.
- Access and update your medication & treatment history.
- Participate in discussions forums and share your experiences.
- Preserve and maintain digital reports online.
- Seek consultation & advice in real time.
- Share your medical record easily with your healthcare provider(s).
How can I invite my friends and peers to join my network?
Log into your account, click on �Invite Friends� and manually type the email addresses of the users whom you wish to invite. You can even import contacts from outlook express or a text / csv file. Once you press the invite button, all enlisted people will receive an invitation in their mailbox, from your address to join the website.
Can I organize my medical planning on this site?
Yes, the health manager offers a unique calendar feature, which enables you to schedule & save medical appointments and events. Once an event is about to realize, a reminder shall be sent to your mailbox.
How do I interact with other users?
'India HeartBeat' is an interactive community of thousands of individuals within the medical community, including patients, doctors, hospitals, and other providers. Depending upon your role, you will find a number of useful tools in your account console. You may exchange information and interactions through emails, blogging, live chat & quick scraps.
How can my medical records be stored and accessed using the website?
Once you register & login as a patient / user, you will see a myriad of tables and applications which can take up your entire health information in the form of treatment and medication history, health graphs, immunization details, insurance details, vocational and habitual patterns, medical conditions, surgical information, allergic reactions and so on. In addition you can even upload and preserve your digital reports online post scanning. After posting your medical record online, you can share the same with any professional or expert across the fraternity simply by passing your patient code and email address to the concerned individual. Your health record can be easily accessed anytime from anywhere in the world using the 'Patient Information Center'.
What is a blog? How do I publish my blog entries?
A blog (an abridgment of the term web log) is a website or a personalized discussion forum, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Using a blog, users can post a wide array of information to the community website. Once you become a registered member, blog entries can be posted through your profile.
Suppose I wanted to obtain information about a class of drugs and the possible interactions. Is it possible?
Yes, the �Drug Center� center offers a number of options for locating drug interactions � including composition, precautions, overdose information, and many other facts.
How do I locate medical professionals and services?
'India HeartBeat' offers several useful tools to assist users searching for medical professionals and services. Use the advanced search feature to define & filter your search and all vital results shall pop-up in no time. Also at the bottom of each page, you will find a doctors link, which enables users to search for doctors based on an incredibly diverse range of specializations. As well, you will find linked directories for nursing homes, diagnostic centers, chemists, blood banks, ambulance services, medical colleges, and blood donors and so on. For your convenience, our search feature is also available at the top of every page, along with advanced features for customizing search.
How can patient to patient networking be useful?
There are many ways to interact with other patients on 'India HeartBeat'. All users can create blog posts, sortable by category & topic. Patients with similar cases and mishap can make valuable contributions to the forum by sharing their experiences, discoveries & ideas. As well, patients can create their own network of relationships and exchange confidential information through emails and scraps. It can add a lot to their awareness, knowledge and open new vistas which were otherwise obscure / invisible.
What is 'Health Manager'? What information does it contain?
Your 'Health Manager' is your personal electronic health organizer that can store, preserve and manage your entire medical information online in the form of treatment and medication history, health graphs, immunization details, insurance details, vocational and habitual patterns, medical conditions, surgical information, allergic reactions and so on. In addition you can even upload and preserve your digital reports online post scanning. Once you register as a user / patient, you can log into your account to update the information contained in 'Health Manager'.
What all can I change in my 'Settings'?
You can add, modify or remove your picture, adjust your email settings, change your password & general preferences.
What functions does the search feature perform?
The search feature assists the users to search for doctors, diagnostic centers, hospitals, chemists, users, and various auxiliary services such as blood banks, ambulance services, blood donors, eye banks, medical institutes and so on. The search can be refined & narrowed to specifics such as location, specialty, common keywords & other preferences using the preset filters.
How do I find blood donors / blood banks / ambulance services?
Our community offers a blood donor directory, in which users can locate blood donors by type and geographic region. Users can also locate blood banks, ambulance providers and medical colleges on a parallel database.
How do I locate specific news articles?
The �News & Highlights� section provides up-to-date medical news articles. Also, you can use the search feature to locate & browse archived articles.
What if I want to know the generic name of a prescription drug?
Our �Drug Center� allows users to type in the name of any branded drug in order to retrieve its scientific name or generic name.
How can I terminate my membership?
Membership can be terminated at any time with a simple email to our support team. Please refer to our �Terms of Use� for further inquiries.
Are there any rules about what I may post on this site?
In general, please adhere to a courteous level of communication. Spamming and solicitation are prohibited. Dissemination of fraudulent information, pornographic or sexually explicit elements, or unethical medical information is prohibited. For specific inquiries, please refer to our 'Terms of Use'.
What types of things can I search for on your site?
Members can search site-wide for information in respect of doctors, diagnostic services, hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies, auxiliary medical groups, articles, drug information, and a number of other useful services. Should you have any additional questions about the nature of our search engine, please contact the technical support team.
What does my patient code indicate?
Your patient code serves as a unique identifier which enables doctors, administrators, and other experts at 'India HeartBeat' to know who you are. In addition, the patient code allows medical professionals to trace & access your health record online.
What is the UIN located in my health manager?
Your UIN stands for �User Identification Number�, a unique identifier which enables administrators at 'India HeartBeat' as well as service providers to accurately identify you and serve your needs.
How can any doctor of my family physician use & retrieve my medical information from the website?
By providing your patient code and email address within the 'Patient Information Center' or on the face of your public profile, doctors can review your entire medical information online subject to your consent. Users should be wary, however, of the security risks involved in divulging their email addresses to unknown healthcare professionals and medical centers.
Privacy & Security
Is it safe to be permanently logged into the IndiaHeartBeat.Com service?
In order to minimize security threats & to ensure account privacy, it is always advisable for all users to log out when finished with a session on the website.
How can I report abuse or complaints against any other members? Is there a way to block troublesome users?
Currently there is no way to block another user from contacting you, however you can click on report abuse contained on all profiles and forums to submit your complaint and strict action shall be taken against the miscreant.
Why should I add my photograph on the website? Is it safe to upload photos?
A picture is worth a thousand words. Adding photographs to the website, although not necessary, is just a feature which serves to boost the community �feel� & to maximize public visibility & faith. On the count of security, uploading photos on the website is completely safe since it is not possible for other users to save photos to their disk. The same feature has been disabled by the website administrators.
What are browser cookies and IP addresses? How are they important for using the website services?
Browser cookies enable sites to identify your computer and produce recurrent information quickly. Without cookies enabled, the site cannot function properly because of the way in which information is stored from browser to browser. IP addresses are, in effect, your computer's identifier on the internet. An IP address enables servers to identify traffic and network connections.
Are there any precautions which I need to bear in mind while using the website?
As with any website involving confidential information, there is always the precaution of security. However, rest assured that our site technicians have formulated state-of-the-art security mechanisms which protect against the most apparent threats. Still, always be wary of how you disclose your medical information. Simply block any information which you feel is unfolding your privacy.
How are my personal details used throughout the site?
Kindly refer to the website �Privacy Policy� for all the relevant details.
What information does your organization collect about me?
This website collects a wide variety of information which, under no circumstances, without your express permission, will be divulged to third parties. The following is a brief listing of the types of information we may collect: name, company name, credentials, images, contact address and phone number, pin code, e-mail address, credit card information, etc. For further details, please refer to our 'Privacy Policy'.
How does IndiaHeartBeat.Com use my information?
IndiaHeartBeat.Com will never divulge your information to third parties without your express consent. Specifically, your information is used to assist other members as well as for segmentation and targeting by website administrators for disseminating the most appropriate and useful information to you.
Will my information be privately maintained?
Information collected by the website and its servers will always be privately maintained. Our servers utilize SSL encryption techniques and robust security mechanism in order to protect your information; however, we do still encourage users to maintain a certain level of caution in divulging their information, such as credit cards, identification numbers & contact information to other members.
What forms of legal protection do you authorize to ensure the safety of my information?
We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information that we hold about you is accurate, complete, up-to date and stored in a secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.
What sorts of precautions should be taken regarding the content found on 'India HeartBeat'?
The content under any circumstance should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking medical help because of something you have read on this website. Please read through our disclaimer carefully before making use of the website. The website may contain health or medical related materials which you may find to be sexually explicit or otherwise offensive. �India HeartBeat�, its management, licensors and suppliers accept no responsibility for such materials. In addition, security concerns should be taken into serious consideration; please remember to log out of your account after each session. Kindly try to secure your contact information and do not pass on your details to an unknown individual.
How will my name and email address be used on 'India HeartBeat'?
When you send messages through IndiaHeartBeat.Com, your name and email address will be identified in the message. We also use your name and email address to notify you of new members, messages & other information, such as invitations to join more friends, new comments or new updates.
What kinds of tracking and/or logging mechanisms does this site use?
We use certain techniques & tools to track the behavior of visitors to our website. This can include use of a �Cookie� which gets stored on your browser. A cookie is a small text file that can be entered into the memory of your browser to help a website recognize repeat users, facilitate the user's ongoing access to and use of the website and allow the website to track usage behavior and compile aggregate data that allows internet services to make content improvements and conduct targeted advertising. You can modify your browser settings at anytime to prevent the same from happening.
How much information should I expect to be publicly available? How is public information treated differently from private?
All professional information will be visible in the public domain for medical professionals, groups and institutions, while for patients only their basic details will be open to public. Any personal information uploaded shall not be publicly available until the same user decides to make it public. Since scraps & blogs are visible in public, it is always advisable to transmit confidential messages through personal emails. Ultimately your privacy lies in your own hands.
Payment Related Issues
When applying for a premium product or service, what are the different ways of payment accepted by IndiaHeartBeat.Com?
IndiaHeartBeat.Com offers you wide-ranging easy payment options -
Credit Cards & Debit Cards: We accept all leading credit & debit cards. You can check the types of cards accepted by us at the payment gateway.
Net banking: You can pay us via net banking service of leading Indian banks.
Cash Cards: We accept ITZ cash cards.
Mobile Payments: We accept mobile payments using Paymate.
Others: You can get cash directly deposited in our ICICI Bank A/C# 048805000955 or send us a cheque / demand draft in the name of DreamWeavers InfoCom Private Limited, at our office address.
Is online Credit Card payment on IndiaHeartBeat.Com secure?
Yes, 100% Secure! Your credit card information is entered on a Secure Server using SSL Technology and 128 Bit Encryption which is one of the highest levels of security provided by websites. The information is transmitted in an encrypted fashion to our payment gateway and your card is charged online. Finally, to provide the highest level of security, we do not store your credit card information on our online server at any time.
I placed an order, and afterwards I was given an Order ID. What is an Order ID?
The Order ID uniquely identifies the order placed by you. After you are given the Order ID, be sure to make a note of it and save it for later reference. When you correspond with the customer relations team at IndiaHeartBeat.Com your Order ID will help the team to quickly track your order details.
How long does it take to process after I place an order?
If you pay for using a credit card / debit card, then the query is processed within 2 working days. But if you pay using a cheque, demand draft or a bank draft then it may take 5-7 working days.
What is the refund policy of the IndiaHeartBeat.Com service?
As per the company�s policy, no refund shall be made to any member under any special circumstance; however any exceptions to this policy can be made only at the sole discretion of IndiaHeartBeat.Com management.
Troubleshooting & Technical Issues
How do I recover my lost password?
Just click the �Forgot Password� link located within the Members Login Section / My HeartBeat & follow the instructions on screen to retrieve your password. In case if it doesn�t help, kindly get in touch with our support team & we shall be glad to assist you.
My account isn�t working correctly or I can�t access my account. How can I contact you?
Users can contact our support team by visiting the �Contact Us� link located on the top navigation bar.
While registering, the server returned an error and all details fed were lost. What do I do now?
Please report the error to our support team & if possible attach a screenshot of the error(s) observed / experienced. Alternatively, you can try registering again after a few minutes. Any inconvenience is sincerely regretted.
While signing up it says, email address already registered! How do I bypass this error?
'India HeartBeat' doesn�t permit creation of multiple profiles and if you have already registered in the past using the same email address, the server shall not accept your request. If you feel, you are a unique registrant and your email address has been misused by someone else, do report the same issue to our support team immediately.
While uploading pictures, the site only allows JPEG, GIF and PNG file types. What does this mean?
JPEG(Joint Photograph Experts Group), GIF(Graphics Interchange Format) & PNG(Portable Network Graphics) are common picture file types and are readily supported by our server. If using any graphics software such as Adobe / CorelDraw, kindly export the image as JPEG, GIF or PNG before uploading the same.
I got an error while uploading my photograph. What should I do?
Most commonly, errors during uploading photos occur because the file type is not supported or because the file size is too large. Please check the file type and size to avoid server time-out. In case if it did not help, kindly contact our support team.
I uploaded my photograph. Why is it still not visible?
If you did not receive an error upon uploading, it is possible that the site caches have not been refreshed. If it has been some time, and your image is still not visible, please contact our support team.
I am facing an error while using the website services? What should I do?
Please contact our technical support team by emailing your concern to or connect to �Live Help� for direct assistance online.
How can lab reports and digital reports be uploaded?
Prior to uploading the medical reports online, the same will need to be converted or reduced to MIME compatible formats like JPG/JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, RTF, DOC or TXT. Alternatively reports can be digitally converted using an external scanner. Once you do so, log into your account, click on �Lab Reports� and upload the medical report online, using suitable identifiers.
The size of the file I am trying to upload is bigger than the maximum allowed. How can I avoid this issue?
If the file is an image, try cropping to decrease the overall file size. Most documents should not be problematic, although PDF�s can be large files. In the case of large PDF�s or other file types, try compressing the file to an acceptable file size.
I tried contacting �Live Help� but it says, live chat is currently unavailable. Why?
Live help hours are limited. However, you may leave a message for our site operators so that they may respond during the official hours.
I don�t have a scanner. How do I go about uploading my medical reports online?
Kindly seek the help of a cyber center located near your home / office. It is just a one time effort whose benefits will stay for life.
My doctor doesn�t have a workstation at the clinic? What is the use of storing my medical record online?
With internet connectivity growing rapidly each day, a large number of healthcare professionals are accessing the internet through home or internet centers. In case if your healthcare provider doesn�t have access to the internet at workplace, you can always pass on your patient code and email address so that he / she may be able to retrieve your medical information whenever possible. Alternatively, you can take a print out of the health summary and carry the same with you when visiting the doctor�s clinic.
What screen resolution should be set to browse the website?
Although a screen resolution of 1024x768 is probably appropriate for most users, the website is compatible with a wide range of resolutions. The minimum resolution required to view the website is 1024x768.
Who should I contact if I have further questions?
Please send an email to our technical support team on You can also chat with one of our staff members by clicking the live chat button located at the top of every page.