Genesis Art Lab
Hospital in Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Area of Specialization:
IVF(Invitro Ferilization) & ICSI(Intro cytoplasmic sperm injection)
Year of Establishment:2009
Complete Address:320,1st cross,12th main,near mount carmel college,palace road,vasanthnagar.bangalore-560052
Location:Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Zip Code:560052
Introduction & Overview
IVF stands for in vitro vitro literaly means 'in glass' and, with this form of assisted conception,fertilization to take place in a dish in the laboratory.
IVF was originally devised to overcome infertiklity caused by blocked or absent fallopian tubes.Today ,IVF is used to treat many more reproductive problems,including irregular ovulation,low sperm count or motility & unexplained.
There are some forms of assisted conception through,where fertilization does not take place inside the body,such as assisted insemination(AI) and gamete intrafallopian transfer(GIFT).these treatments might be used if a couble have religious or moral objections to external fertilization.All has less chance of working than IVF,but it is less intrusive and sometimes be effective.