World Health Day focuses on urbanisation
Posted on Thursday, 8th April 2010
Department of Health and Family Welfare along with the rest of the world observed World Health day on April 7 at conference hall of Directorate of Health and Family Welfare, Kohima.
According to a press note Dr. M. Kire, joint director Directorate of Health and Family Welfare, dwelling on theme 'Urbanisation and Health- 1000 cities 1000 lives', highlighted on the effect of rapid urbanization and industrialization on health and the role that can be played by department. Further, he stated that water and air pollution effect on health had become a worrying trend in control or prevention of diseases and with influx of huge number of migrant labourers from other states in fast developing towns like Dimapur, Mokokchung and Kohima, the introduction of diseases not prevalent in the state had become a possibility or reality. The meeting also deliberated on issues like awareness generation or inters- sectoral co- ordination, proper waste or water management and control of air pollution.
FPAI: Family Planning Association of India (FPAI) Nagaland Branch also observed the day. Resource person Vizalenu Khatso shared on the challenges of urbanization and health and said urban poor suffered disproportionately from a wide range of diseases including tuberculosis and HIV. She stressed on importance of urban planning to promote healthy behaviors and safety through regulatory controls on tobacco and food safety. The other highlight of the day included free medical health camp for all clients visiting the FPA Drop-in-Centre at NSF Martyrs park.
IRSCN: IRSCN observed the day on the theme 1000 cities -1000 lives.
A press release issued by Dr SP Agarwal general secretary IRSCN. said that it was estimated that by 2030 six out of ten people will be living in city dwellers and urbanization will face health challenges in water, environment, violence, injury, non communicable diseases and risk through tobacco/ alcohol use, unhealthy diets would increase disease outbreaks and therefore requested Red Cross to initiate clean up activities in their neighborhoods. He requested them to visit nieghbours, orphanages, and hospitals and express solidarity with them.
CIHSR: CIHSR, Dimapur began the week long "World Health Day-2010" at the Great Commission Kids Academy (GCKA), Naga United Village, Dimapur on April 7. The meeting was held at the Covenant Hall, GCKA. Dr. Tanya Seshadri (MD, Community Medicine) from CIHSR, Dimapur introduced the theme of the Day- "1000 Cities: 1000 Lives- Urban Health Matters" emphasizing the challenges for health up keep in the ever expanding Urban population. Seshadri also showed a short video clip of a Japanese boy named Yuhta Oissi studying in Class 4, at the Shizuoka City High School who was responsible for bringing stringent rules against smoking in public place in his city of Shizuoka, Japan. Dr. Sulanthung Kikon, pediatrician, CIHSR edified on the importance of keeping their bodies and minds healthy including physical exercise and sports, balanced and nutritious diets, saying 'No' to drugs and 'No' to too much of computer games and its adverse effect on one's health.
Earlier Elizabeth Dozo, Head Mistress of GCKA welcomed the gathering while Dr. Viu Meru, Community Health Consultant chaired the meeting.
Following the meeting, in collaboration with the Indian Medical Association, Dimapur Branch, Nagaland, doctors from CIHSR conducted health check up for the students of the school. During the week the students of GCKA will have competition in painting, essay writing and debate on several relevant issues of Urban Health.
Delhi Public School Dimapur also organized 'World Health Day 2010' on April 7 with resource person Dr. Leena Sen who spoke on the theme "urbanization and health".