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Jan 19
Coffee and aspirin best remedy for hangover
Besides providing the much required boost of morning energy, a cup of coffee along with an aspirin has been found to be extremely effective at overcoming a hangover, reveals a recent study led by Philadelphia researcher Michael Oshinsky.

The caffeine content present in coffee adds to the anti-inflammatory ingredients of aspirin found to combat the chemical compounds of alcohol.

Consumption of alcohol results in headaches due to the production of chemical acetates, causing more severe headaches in some people as compared to others.

"One of the major causes of hangovers is a chemical called acetate, a by-product of how the body processes alcohol. Caffeine and certain types of painkiller block its effects. And the best time to take them would be about four hours after drinking," Prof Oshinsky said.

The study details:

The study looked at a group of laboratory rats who were administered small amounts of ethanol or pure alcohol in order to induce headaches in them.

Further, additional doses of caffeine and anti-inflammatories were given to the rats after a four hour gap.

The doses were found to produce a soothing effect on the rats by blocking the acetate produced by alcohol.

Oshinsky told the journal 'New Scientist' that "none of the commonly cited causes of hangovers could have caused this response."

Drinking water instead of coffee is believed to be a better option by some experts due to the rehydrating properties of water.

Also, some others are against the use of painkillers like aspirin and ibuprofen as they over burden the liver which is already struggling for relief, resulting in stomach disorders.

The study has been published in the recent issue of peer-reviewed online science journal 'PLoS One.'

Relief from hangover
Coke, coffee, ginseng, Vegemite on toast, cold pizza, bananas, peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich, and chocolate milk can help against nausea generated during a hangover.

Sugar and mineral levels of the body get raised on consuming alcohol which can be balanced out by taking ginseng, orange juice, tomato, sauerkraut, pickle juice, eggs, or fruit juice.

Aspirin, bananas, and coffee can help relieve headache, according to experts. Also, a hot bath too is extremely helpful in sweating out the toxins.

However, the best advice would be to drink not more than one alcoholic beverage hydrated with water per hour at a party or outing.

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