Bird Flu - Causes, symptoms, prevention & cure
Posted on Thursday, 22nd November 2012
What is bird flu?
-It is an infectious disease caused by bird flu virus( H5N1 Influenza A virus )
-Bird flu affect mainly the domestic poultry ( chicken, ducks, etc ) and less commonly in animals like pigs
-Very occasionally, humans may also be infected with this virus
How does bird flu spread to humans?
By close contact with:
-Infected poultry ( chicken, ducks, etc ) and their dropping
-Surfaces contaminated by infected birds and their dropping
Common symptoms of bird flu in humans
-Fever (38 degree C or higher)
-Sore throat
-Muscle aches
-Difficulty in breathing, pneumonia
-Pain in abdomen, diarrhea
How does bird flu spread in birds?
-Bird flu spreads from infected birds to other birds through contact
-Contact with nasal and respiratory secretion
-Contact with faeces of infected birds
-Contamination of feed and water
-Contact with contaminated equipments
Signs in birds infected with bird flu?
-Lack of energy and appetite
-Swellings of the heads, eyelids, combs, legs
-Purple discolorations of the combs / "dirty" feather
-Nasal discharge
-Coughing and sneezing
-Sudden deathHow can we protect ourselves from bird flu?
-Avoid close contact with infected and suspected birds and animal, specially their dropping, saliva, and other secretions
-Avoid consuming raw/ uncooked / partially cooked poultry products such as chicken and eggs
-Cooking ( half an hour and 70 degree C ) kills the bird flu virus
-It makes food safe
-Poultry and poultry products can be consumed following good hygienic and cooking practices
-After handling poultry and eggs, wash hands or other exposed part with soap and water
For any flu-like illness, seek medical help immediately. Bird Flu treatment generally involves hospitalization as well.