Daily moderate coffee consumption may prevent clogged arteries: Study
Posted on Wednesday, 4th March 2015
A new study has suggested that drinking a few cups of coffee a day may help prevent clogged arteries that could result in heart attacks.
The study was carried out by an international team of researchers led by the Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Seoul, in the Republic of Korea.
The researchers studied a group of more than 25,000 Korean male and female with an average age of 41 years, who had no signs of heart disease and underwent a routine health checks.
In order to assess the heart health of the participants, researchers used medical scans.
For the study, researchers categorised their coffee consumption as none, less than one cup a day, one to three cups a day, three to five cups per day and five or more per day.
They found the prevalence of detectable CAC was 13.4% amongst the whole group of people and the average consumption of coffee was 1.8 cups per day.
The researchers found people who drank a moderate amount of coffee, three to five cups a day, were less likely to develop early signs of heart disease.
The calcium ratios were 0.77 for people who had less than one cup per day, 0.66 for those having one to three cups every day, 0.59 for those consuming three to five cups per day, and 0.81 for people having at least five cups or more every day compared with non-coffee drinkers.
The research has been published online in the journal Heart.