Obesity linked to kidney stones
Posted on Tuesday, 23rd February 2010
A study of 95,000 people has revealed that people take the risk of developing stones in kidney at twice the speed by being obese.
It was further examined that one in 20 had developed stones compared to one out of 40 who had normal weight. The condition of kidney stones is very painful and might even involve surgical procedure if it gets too severe.
However, this finding also contradicts the basic assumption that the chances of getting stones in the kidney increases as the weight increases from the 'mildobese stage' to the 'threshold obese stage'. The risk actually depends on the Body Mass Index or the BMI. BMI is the height to weight ratio of the body at different age levels.
During the hour of the study, about 2.6 per cent of the healthy people had developed the illness and the figure actually rose to 4.9 per cent when they considered an obese person who's BMI score was more than 30.
It is sighted that hormones tend to increase the weight and would possibly be behind the reason to gain weight or 'the morbid obesity'. Speculations suggest that unhealthy lifestyle also aids in gain of weight at a very fast rate.