High BP, Obesity among 10 factors Causing Stroke
Posted on Thursday, 24th June 2010
Top 10 factors which cause stroke were identified and brought to light by a group of researchers by an international medical team. It was confirmed that over 90% of stroke attacks had links to these top 10 factors. Changing ones lifestyle they say can help prevent stroke from occurring. Stroke occurs when the blood flow going to the brain is obstructed or blocked. If diagnosed and treated within 4- 6 hours this disease can be prove less fatal. But when not treated in time it can cause death or permanent immobility of the limps.
This disease is seen hugely in Asian and African countries. The western countries are also fast catching up and the cause is blamed on obesity, smoking and life style changes.
It is said that smokers risk towards stroke is doubled when compared to non-smokers. someone with high BP has 2.6 times more chances of getting stroke than normal people. The study was conducted on 3,000 stroke patients from around 22 countries. This is definitely a break through research as it exposes the uniformity in the patients health and life style conditions which were identified as factors behind stroke.
The research team from the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University situated in Hamilton, was head by Salim Yusuf. They took into consideration 2 types of strokes namely, hemorrhagic stroke( caused by rupture in blood vessels) and ischemic stroke(blood clots in brain). Dr. Yusuf says that the cause for stroke largely resemble the causes for heart attack.
some of the countries covered for this research are Argentina, Canada, China, Australia, Brazil,India, Iran, Malaysia, Germany etc.