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Sep 11
Development of Nude Mouse
NUDE MOUSE IS NOT A CLICKING MOUSE OF ANY COMPUTER BUT IT IS A LIVING MOUSE WHOSE THYMUS GLAND HAS BEEN REMOVED SURGICALLY. As thymus gland is responsible for producing different antibodies bot B and T Lymphocytes antibodies for creating humoral and cellular type of antibodies with any foreign body either n form of infection, administrative agents as reseach chemical substance or any stimuli or transplante organ or tissue or protein or in autoimmune disease where our own protein become reactive to us due to change in immunity perception or reaction of our bodies to any foreign invasion. As thymus gland is removed these mouse are used markedly in laboratories to study effect of organ transplnt in these mouse to know how are bdy reacts when immune system is absent.

Refered by: DR. D. R. Nakipuria

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