The word corruption is used so extensively and in so many contexts that its meaning has become obscure! Hence corruption is usually and wrongly equated with mere financial scams, bribing, kick back...
Accidents and other problems are created by policies of excessive production of cars, luxury cars, two wheelers in preference to buses and trams. The brief explanation is as follows.
This patient had road side accident and presented with severe pain in abdomen and fall in BP. He was taken to the OT after USG abdomen showed hemoperitonium. Laparoscopic exploration done and a big tear in the mesocolon was found which was repaired laparo
A child fell on a rod while playing see saw in a garden.He sustained lacerated woud near anal verge and rectal perforation also. The LW was repaired in a casualty of a district hospital and sent home.Child started having pain in abdomen ,fever and tachyca